Converting .pst contacts using only mac


I have Outlook (XP) contacts saved as .pst files on a USB storage.

I do not have ready access to a PC and therefore the conversion methods I have seen are not applicable.

I'm sure you have seen this query before - how can I convert these contacts for use by either the standard Mail program, Entourage or Thunderbird?

I am now freelancing and need these contacts desperately.

I have a G4 Powerbook running 10.4.11. I have Office 2008; I also have an iMac G5 running 10.3.9 with Office X for Mac.

Thunderbird is the easiest way. Import your mails to that, and then use the standard mbox with

libpst would do too, but ... well, Thunderbird is much simpler to use and does the job nicely.
This product also should work for this purpose but is not free
Thunderbird _just works_ with .pst-files? Really? Why isn't that a HOWTO, a STICKY-thread and a big-red-lettered thing all over every Mac-forum in the world? I didn't know that. Can anyone confirm?
No, Thunderbird doesn't "just work" with PST files. There's a PST Import plug-in available, but most people have only had success with it under Linux and Windows, and even then, a lot of people trying to convert/import Outlook 2003 PST files are having major problems.

The short and skinny of it is that Microsoft's PST file format is proprietary and not very well supported outside of the Windows/Office universe. The easiest route would be to secure some time on a Windows machine with Office installed and convert the PST to something more usable on the Mac, like mboxes.

Here's the link to the PST Import plug-in for Thunderbird:

Some people report success with emailchemy, but it ain't free:
This is an old thread, but if anyone comes across it and needs a great tool to do what the original poster asked, here it is:

It runs natively on the Mac and doesn't need Outlook for Windows, or Windows itself, to run.

The trial version converts up to 10 items to allow you to test in your environment.

And it's pretty cheap: $19.

(I may sound like I'm selling it, but I'm just a greatly relieved customer of theirs that found a way to do this without stinking Windows.)

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