Cool websites for Desktop Backgrounds?


Hey all,

Looking for some cool websites that have fun desktop backgrounds similar to the ones that come with the mac. Any favorites to share?
if you have photoshop and illustrator, you can make similar ones yourself. fool around with the tools (though not too much). Basically, it's vector art with a little effects...
Beauty lies in the eye of the beholder. So that's why I like this one (1600 x 1200).


  • Sunflower.jpg
    660.1 KB · Views: 13
One of my absolute faves regarding desktop backgrounds is Fracture:
"But it's a screensaver, and I want desktop backgrounds!, you say.
Well, hold your water, sir or madam; while Fracture IS a fractal generating screensaver, it allows one to save any of the created fractals and use them for desktop backgrounds (or any other use).
Try it out. You can get some mindblowing images!