Coolest iPod Ever

Originally posted by dave17lax
it's a pioneer cd player, has a mode for a cd changer, if i had one. so i guess there would be something back there.

Depending on the model it might have aux inputs in the back. Some do, some don't. If you want to use the CD changer you will have to get an adapter that changes from P-Bus (Pioneer's proprietary CD changer Bus format) to RCA. I've seen a few of these in local stereo shops.

If you don't have the aux inputs and don't want to pay out for the adapter your only option would be to hard wire the inputs to the in side of the preamp on your deck unit. Believe me, that option isn't too fun. I did that to a friends stock head unit. (he didn't want to swap out to an aftermarket)

The drawback to this is that whatever you are running through the sound card will overlay with whatever other inputs the radio is recieving. To counter act this you need to burn a blank CD to put into the CD player so that you will have a clean audio base to add to.
A stereo with aux input is the only way to go. I spent $150 on a new stereo for my car that has an aux input port. Sounds great and I'm done! My iPod sleeps inside with me (well, not with me, although we are getting very close...). I would like to find a shorter cable though, 6 foot is the shortest I've been able to find at the local Radio Shack, I'd like to have a nice 3 footer. Guess I'll have to special order.

what stereo did you get, is the input in front? how does the ipod hook into it? etc etc

ive been looking for something like this, i want to get an ipod, but i do more driving than anything else so i wanted to take it with me in my car..
I chose the Aiwa Mp3/CD player with aux input which also plays Mp3 CD's ($150 before tax at Best Buy). The input is on the removable face. My iPod plugs in via a 1/8" (3.5mm) to 1/8" (3.5mm) cable ($3 at radio shack). I can even use my iPod's inline remote.
what type of sound does that stereo out put? i forget what my pioneer is...

and i guess the next question is... whats iRock? :)

im so damned ignorant ;)
Originally posted by BuddahBobb
what type of sound does that stereo out put? i forget what my pioneer is...

and i guess the next question is... whats iRock? :)

im so damned ignorant ;)

I believe it's an FM transmitter. You plug it in to the pod and it transmits the audio over an unused FM channel
100 watts per channel and no loss of sound quality (like with a tape adapter). How is the iRock? Does it lose any quality? Can you still use the remote? Do you ever get interference?

I'd really like to get an iRock too, it would be easy to play my iPod in friends cars or stereos with no cables.
i guess now the question is.... how good does it work, and what happens if those fm frequencies are taken by channels in your city?

looks nifty though :)
It all depends, for some people they work great. For me, they lacked the sound quality that I enjoy out of my stereo. I guess I'm probably pretty picky when it comes to music though.

The frequency is user tunable. they tend to give you a few choices to use.
well does it sound comparable to burning converted mp3s onto a cd (like say 128 turned into an audio cd)? or does it sound like radio?
so now there are some differing views on the fm transmitters- i'd like to know from people who've used them whether or not they have good quality sound, how long the batteries last, and how well do they work in a big clogged up city?


ps my digital camera came with a cable to let you plug it into the tv. The jack also happens to fit the ipod, and rca jacks on my stereo. So I use it when I am hooking the pod up to the home stereo, and I guess I'd use it for the car as well, if it came to that. The cable is about 3ft long.
I like my iRock. I live in minneapolis and it works just fine. There is some interferance but it happens in places i don't travle often. Like wearhouse districts. Downtown it's fine. I think the quality is as good as a clear radio station. However you do have to turn up the radio. In transmittion the sound level goes down. Not sure why. Also i got tired of buying batteries because i use it a lot, so i got re-chargable ones.

Not sure if this will work but heres a link to my iPod in my car with iRock

Originally posted by BuddahBobb
well does it sound comparable to burning converted mp3s onto a cd (like say 128 turned into an audio cd)? or does it sound like radio?

I'd say it's slightly better than radio.

As far as using these in a congested city, you really don't have to worry about it. These units are barely able to transmit from it's location to your car's antenna. To get cross talk between units on the same frequency a friend and I had to park our cars litteraly inches away from each other. Other than that we never had any problems.
whatabout battery life? i wish someone like dr bott or another accessory maker would do a combo ipod charger/fm transmitter so that batteries would not need to be part of the equation.
slightly better than radio eh.. hmmm

i dunno if its for me then, i like cd or close to quality sound, i cant stand radio actually...
Originally posted by dave17lax
whatabout battery life?

I really can't comment on battery life. I built an adapter that converted the 12v source from my car to the 3v that I needed to run the unit.

I would think that it should last for quite a long time. it shoudn't take much energy to transmit at the level the FM transmitters do.
i would have to figure out a way to make this all look nice in my car without wires and doo hickies flying all over the place lol

i think i just said doo hickies...

yep... i did

*walks away in shame*