Copy Error


When I try to copy my Aperture Vault to my NAS following this procedure, I get the following error message:

You cannot copy the item '2007-04-08 @ 11/21/04 AM - 1.apimportgroup' because the name is too long or includes characters that the disk cannot display.

Weird thing is in Finder the file is called "NAS-Backup.apvault"

Can anyone help me to get a Vault on my NAS?
I think FAT32 (not shure - will check tonight @ home) or NTFS

But why do I get an error with the long name '2007-04-08 @ 11/21/04 AM - 1.apimportgroup' and does finder show short name "NAS-Backup.apvault"?

How should I format the NAS so that both iMAC and my Windows machines can access it?
I think FAT32 (not shure - will check tonight @ home) or NTFS

But why do I get an error with the long name '2007-04-08 @ 11/21/04 AM - 1.apimportgroup' and does finder show short name "NAS-Backup.apvault"?

How should I format the NAS so that both iMAC and my Windows machines can access it?

Spaces in the name and the @ symbol are the problem.
Spaces in the name and the @ symbol are the problem.

I would like to change the name if I knew how.
When I lookup the file in Finder I do not see the @ nor the spaces, according to finder the file is called "NAS-Backup.apvault" only after I try the copy operation I get the error with the long filename :confused:
To change a name on file in OS X Finder is to long click on the file name then you can edit it. FAT32 will not take a file anything over 4Gs at once.

For Windows and Mac to share you have three choices:

1) Format FAT32 but you found the limitation on that.
2) Install the beta program MacFuse. One of the functions is for OS X to read/.write the NTFS filesystem.
3) Format the the NAS using the native OS X format following my HOWTO. This way way Windows and Mac can get along in a small network.
Try right-clicking (or ctrl-clicking) the NAS-Backup.apvault file and selecting "Show Package Contents".

Just like .app files are really containers, I'm guessing the .apvault file contains numerous other files, one of which is producing the error.

However, renaming anything in the container might cause its own problems.
The / character might also be a problem, since Unix (yes, OSX is Unix) uses
it as a separator between directories in path; like /a/b/c means file c in
directory b in directory a in directory / .