Could this be the beginning of the end for iTunes?

That is an awesome idea. I don't think it means though the end of iTunes Music Store as we know it. Power to the artists .. ;)
It could be the beginning of the end, or it could be an entirely new chapter. Either way, I hope they succeed with this if it means taking down the monster that is the recording industry.
Not the end of iTunes, that won't come for a long time now.

But this is a great idea! It makes me feel fuzzy inside...
Yes, on paper it looks like a good idea for artists. However, think about ALL the different artists out there in ALL the music styles, the number of them. Then multiple by the number of artists. Now that is a huge number. A better idea would be if some site (like Apple's iTunes Music) offering the digital deal DIRECTLY to the artists. Now, in the real world, people have record deals some people will notice them. These record companies are not going to let those artists directly sell the music (also because most of the time the record companies hold the copyrights by the employed artist - See the devil about those deals).

So, IMHO, this idea is feel good sixties feeling but in the real business world of record companies, they would cut off their right arms before any serious record company would go for this.

Now, a good idea would be Apple signing artists directly to iTunes digital distribution. Apple then could cut a deal with signed artist (like in percentage of song) for front page exposer and such. The only problem with that is Apple becoming a sudo record company. Then Apple would be real trouble with the Beetles record company (see this story and then extrapolate the consequences)
I think iTMS will spin-off from Apple in the near future... bringing a lot of nice $$$ to Steve Jobs and Apple.