creating a slide show of digital photos


Was wondering what folks are using to create slide shows of digital photos and then projecting them so they can be viewed on the TV screen?? I'm using iView Media Pro and and have Quick Time (not Pro) and have 10.2.3. I haven't been able to put on sound files yet but would like to add captions and sound to the show.
Other than Final Cut, is there any other software program to check out to put this together?
iMovie should be able to do it well enough

or you could always play the selected folder through the pictures screensaver and have itunes playing in the back ;)
Just finished a slide show like you're talking about. Had about 150 pictures, used iMovie to setup the sequence and added soundtracks. iMovie worked great for this, and very easy to learn. There's lots of effects to choose from, and adding captions makes a very effective show. Used a vid projector to send the show to a movie screen, worked great! One small problem, though. Wanted to copy the slide show to a CD for sharing, but the file created for that is almost 2 GB, and no DVD burner! (incentive to get one, I guess)
Thanks DeltaMac and Jason,
I've also heard "Photo to Movie" found on is a good slide show presenter.
My questions revolve around how the heck to project it: So, if I want to throw it up on a movie screen I must get a video projector? I know nothing about them. Any recommendations if I decide to get one?

Yesterday I tried hooking my computer up to the TV screen using "in-video and out-video" RCA connectors. It didn't work. hmmm I'm going to try it on another TV today and see it it'll work. Any idea why it won't show on the screen? I followed the directions in the Mac manual :)

Thanks again. That was good info about the size of the file!
OfficeMax or Staples would be a good place to start when looking for a vid projector. What you want depends greatly on what you need (Duh!) How bright is the location, How far do you need to project, how large an image do you want? Larger values of each causes the cost to go up. A small business meeting room will not need as much brightness as a large auditorium/church. One designed for small/private use may be less than $5-800. Larger areas may go up to $5-8K. The overall brightness needed is a large factor for the cost. The cost does continue down, so my figures might even be high.
Most any projector can be connected directly to your computer. A television cannot, unless you have a video card with TV out, which is usually a s-video connector. Otherwise, you will need to purchase a computer video-to-TV signal converter, usually a connector box of some kind sold by a couple of companies