Cron Scripts and 10.2.8


Having just upgraded to 10.2.8 (latest version) it seems that neither Macjanitor or Cocktail will work when it comes to running the Cron Scripts?

Anyone got any ideas what has gone wrong?
if you aren't the most cron-tastic user like i am, try using cronx. it diplays things so they make sense and you can run your your stuff at will and get the output to make sure its all working.

i've upgraded to 10.2.8 and its working fine.
cf25 - Thanks for your reply, I have no idea why but after a second shut-down and start up Macjanitor is now working fine again!! (still using version 1.2)
I have a few scripts i made to run under Entourage, but you will need to setup a keychain for your admin password to use it. Or you can run the scripts manually, still needed that keychain password.

Are you up to setting up all this?
i like Maintain1. it's still freeware and does alot of other stuff besides just crons. gives you the option to watch it work in terminal or just get final verification it its viewer window.
Urbansory, you are right I am not up to it! like most users I can set things up within the preference settings etc but prefer to leave terminal strictly alone!

I just know I would get things all screwed up!

Fortunately all seems ok again now so perhaps my imac just needed a couple of restarts.
Originally posted by dennis
Having just upgraded to 10.2.8 (latest version) it seems that neither Macjanitor or Cocktail will work when it comes to running the Cron Scripts?

Anyone got any ideas what has gone wrong?

I'm not sure. MacJanitor still works for me on 10.2.8. Maybe you should try to Repair Permissions. If that doesn't work try to throw the MacJanitor prefs in the trash.