CSS Rotation


Postmaster General
Does anyone know if it is possible to rotate...anything with css such as text in an id or class or images??
hmmm strange that this would be a spec for css 3. CSS is meant meant to format data. I dont see why they would build in a rotating feature when thats cleary meant for JS on the client side. JS took years to be somewhat peroperly implemented cross browser...how long would it take for css 3 and for your user base to have a css 3 capable browser? I suggest sticking with a JS level for something like this.
CSS is mean to define the layout and STYLE of the page. that includes positioning, etc. i would think that it is quite natural for rotation to come into it somewhere. JS probably can rotate images and text, but it wouldn't be as widely supported (CSS support across browsers is bad. JS is worse!)
oh man i just reread this thread....i compl,\etely misunderstood what was being said when i posted last time. I took 'rotate images' as making a type of slideshow....when the original poster meant to rotate an image in a matter of degrees....yes this should be part of the CSS spec, that would be very cool. Right now I think the easiest way would just to be to photoshop the image? no?
andehlu said:
oh man i just reread this thread....i compl,\etely misunderstood what was being said when i posted last time. I took 'rotate images' as making a type of slideshow....when the original poster meant to rotate an image in a matter of degrees....yes this should be part of the CSS spec, that would be very cool. Right now I think the easiest way would just to be to photoshop the image? no?

Good point there! I didn't get it either :p

PHP can be used to dynamically rotate images on the server side with the GD or ImageMagick image libraries, but it's rather complex and won't do for text.

Rotation and curves are on my CSS wishlist. And make all browsers support SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics) :)
Right now I think the easiest way would just to be to photoshop the image? no

i can do rotation in photoshop i was more interested in rotating highlightable text and also i ive heard of situations where people had a 100 or so images to line up and would rather do it in their design instead of separtely,

hopefully this will be included included in the next version of css