In our school we have about 16 mac mini's running os x 10.4.11, which we have binded to our MS Windows server 2003 Active directory domain.
Our student users log onto the macs with their active directory logon accounts no problem.
What I am wondering is if it is possible to customize the dock and desktop so that when any user logs on with there network accounts they only see the applications on the dock or desktop that I want them to see.
I have customized the dock and copied the com.apple.dock.plist and put it into:
/System/Library/User Template/English.lproj/Library/Preferences.
This didn't work however and I was wondering if there is a different way for Active directory users?
Any help much appreciated.
In our school we have about 16 mac mini's running os x 10.4.11, which we have binded to our MS Windows server 2003 Active directory domain.
Our student users log onto the macs with their active directory logon accounts no problem.
What I am wondering is if it is possible to customize the dock and desktop so that when any user logs on with there network accounts they only see the applications on the dock or desktop that I want them to see.
I have customized the dock and copied the com.apple.dock.plist and put it into:
/System/Library/User Template/English.lproj/Library/Preferences.
This didn't work however and I was wondering if there is a different way for Active directory users?
Any help much appreciated.