Customizing OS 10.2.2


Hi, I was wondering if I missed something here, or is this a typical Apple thing?

Why isn't there any settings to customize how my OS looks? Is there no longer soundsets available?

I just got a new G4, I was running 9.2 before, so I'm very new to OS X, and I miss the sounds of OS 9, OS X is too quiet! lol

Is there any 3rd party apps to do this?

Ok do you mean the way, say, Windows XP can change the titlebar from "Olive" to "Silver" to "Classic" or something?

Classic didn't, do my knowledge, have that many more ways to customize the interface than OS X...

What would you-specifically-like to do that you can't do in OS X?

PS You sure can change sound sets, just add the desired sound files (as AIFFs) to /System/Library/Sounds :)
HEY in OS 9.x YOU could change the THEME!!!

just drop the new theme in the the "System Folder:Appearence:Theme Files"

and a new look!!!

there were also sound sets !!
I thought the only 'themes' there were in Classic were things like:
- Background image/colour
- Highlight colour
- Fonts
- Sounds

But not much more, nothing like a skin for Winamp or anything. For example, you can't change the menu bar colour at the top of the screen to some arbitrary pattern or image file.

It's also been almost a year since I've touched a Classic machine so my memory might be faulty, but I think we have different definitions of "theme".

desktop theme != skin

and I think you're talking about a skin?

And you CAN add sounds in OS X :p
There are themes for Mac OS X, and I sometimes use SmoothStripes on my TiBook, as it goes well with the Titanium look. But I also think that it's good of Apple to make it hard to theme Mac OS X, because if you look what UGLY things can happen if you open the way for themes (like what Kaleidoscope did for the Classic Mac OS), this can really harm Apple's image!

Aqua and iBooks/iMacs/eMacs/PowerMacs/CinemaDisplays go really well together. It's only the TiBook that cries out for a Platinum interface. I hope they make a new default appearance for the TiBooks at Apple: Aqua, Graphite and Titanium anyone?

Oh, yeah, and I wish the creator of SmoothStripes would update the theme so it would use the flatter look of buttons from Jaguar. The bulkier ones from Puma are keeping me from using it for more than a few days...

EDIT: Just found it! I'm happy. There's even a squared version, which looks even better on my TiBook, I guess... My favourite theme? SmoothStripes Squared for Sure™ ... :P
Hang on. Apple DID have Appearance support starting with Mac OS 8.5, don't you remember? 8.5 should have brought Platinum, HiTech and Gizmo, but only Platinum was released. However, the technology was already implemented and third party devs found out how to make themes. Also, the beta versions of Gizmo, HiTech and Drawing Board (three Apple themes) actually found their way to the warez scene.
Thanks guys!

I didn't know about sounds in OSX, and that Themes website is exactly what I was talking about. Great!

It's just after a while I get bored with the same little "Traffic" lights on the windows. ut I like simular looking skins, nothing goody like a lot of thoses Kaleidoscope one for OS 9 (yuck)

I know there were minor ways of customizing the look, but nothing like the Windows does it. Which is one thing I wish Apple would do for thier OS's, especially the way to can change every single sound for every different function.

I just like clean and simlple... thanks again for your replys.