Thank The Cheese said:
exactly. Look at word processors: if you select a paragraph in TextEdit and choose 'Cut', that paragraph will be completely removed until it is pasted. If you copy another paragraph before pasting the first, the cut paragraph is pretty much lost.
So if Apple chose to do Cut and Paste the Windows way, they will have contradicting logic in two of their own applications. That's just not the Apple way.
OK, call it "mark" then, instead of cut. I don't care what they call it, frankly. I just want the functionality. They can call it "move this file to a new location if you want, but if you copy something else in the meantime, this file will not be moved when you select paste from any of our lovely drop-down menus".
How's that?

I know it might not fit in the limited menu space, but who cares? I like it!
This next bit isn't directed at anyone in particular...
For everyone who says that Apple will not be adding this in some future release...remember that they were never coming out with a two-button mouse...oh, and that Intel's chips sucked and they'll never use them....that too. The writing is on the wall. The more the Mac OS makes its way into the homes and offices of new customers, the more the Mac OS will begin to cater to those new customers. One of the best selling points for any OS is that you don't have to learn it in order to use it. We all know that there is some level of learning with any new OS, but when you are trying to sell to business and home users, saying something like, "this is better than what you have, and you won't really have much of a learning curve if you switch to our product", goes a long way. It's what sells things to businesses and consumers alike.
I see a lot of comments on message boards that say something to the effect of, "I want to be different. I don't want this added, or that added." Forget that the feature would help them. It's all about not being like you-know-who for them. Do you think that Apple is going to cater to them, or the masses? I'll put my money on the masses, because Apple, in the beginning and the end, is a corporation looking to make money. Love Steve Jobs all you want, but he is not your friend. He is, always has been, and always will be, a businessman. Apple doesn't want a niche market. They want to ditch the niche, and go broader than that, just like every other publicly held company.
Anyway, I hope they add "cut" to the list of great features. With an OS this advanced, it's the little things that I nit-pick, because I don't really have any major complaints.