Damn MIcrosoft


I just update the service release for office x and when i launched word it is prompting me for all my information again like i just installed the program. Did this happen to anyone else? Im now in a pinch need word and unfortunatly i left the cd case at home so i dont have my serial.
Apparently, in Microsoft's new Office X update, serial number checking has been cracked down on. If you obtained your serial number out of a "Surfers Serials" database or something like that, you're screwed.

If you really, legally, honestly bought Office X and you're the only one using that serial number, it works fine.

I know many people on both sides of that fence. 100% of the ones that illegally obtained a serial number had problems. 100% of the ones that legitimately own Office X and used the included serial number had no problems. Go figure.
Originally posted by satanicpoptart
anybody have a workig serial?? :D jk jk i know "no warez"

Yuppers, Right here, I do. But it would be illegal for me to share my legally purchased (for $20.00) Office: Mac v. X product key with you. Bummer dude, better start searching LimeWire for some more serial numbers. Don't worry, in about a year I'm sure some new illegal serials will be available for download.
I've updated with the Service Release 1 updater and everything is running fine. Does it pay to update pre-bindings when you do updates like this?

It's a pity the MSN Messenger doesn't have telephone or web cam video conferencing/internet phone support, as does the Windoze version I think.

And for all those wanting a s/n to make their pirated versions work: why don't you email M$ and ask them for one. I got one for NZ$450 - a bargain! Zeal :D
Well, Yes Microsoft has set up an anti Serial Surfer Process,
and there Is ways to over-pass the protection...
But I m not here to give about cracks...

I m trying to make my CPU microsoft free, getting the web app away, is actually the first step, and after a few fix and twiggles, it works (better to my perspective) without Explorer, Outlook and MediaPlayer, and And...

I m looking for a multilingual word processeur, that has a fairly simple connection to a grammar feature in French, Spanish and english...

I founded and tested a few solutions to get out of the Microsoft Office pack...
Mariner : "Not really powerfull for my Use.... the correction features are slow and limited, the XL like soft has a great interface, but is really slow... If you manipulate complexe calculations...
Nisus Write : "This is a great extremely robust solution, The PROFetional One but expensive"

Anyway, I thing that if someone uses and likes a software solution for Charts software (XL) and Word processor, we should communicate about it
Originally posted by chemistry_geek

Bummer dude, better start searching LimeWire for some more serial numbers. Don't worry, in about a year I'm sure some new illegal serials will be available for download.
You underestimated the hax0r community. There was one posted less than 12 hours after SR 1 was released.
I know, it works, and i m aware that there is ways to re-crack Office v-X ...
There is cracks for Maya --- And was a surprise, i thought maya was going to be well protected...
And who cares ? The point is to escape from using MS Office, because it is a bad software... And to review other party solutions...
Now that Microsoft is a share holder of Machintosh, there is not that much support from apple towards non Microsoft office suites... so we should balance that fact... for are own good.
I've been using Mac OS X for the last 11 months since its release and never experienced a crash of the OS whatsoever. Well, I've downloaded the latest msn messenger 3.0 for mac os x and just less than 5min of its first use, my OS X crashed spectacularly! Had to hard reboot my G4 - I mean, I'm sure they do it in purpose those damn new application that Microsoft releases.

As for the service pack 1. I'm screwed like many but I'm not likely to pay anymore money on a MS product that won't be compatible with the coming version scheduled to be released every 6 months. - Better, Faster and bloody full of features that you will never use.
Now that Microsoft is a share holder of Machintosh, there is not that much support from apple towards non Microsoft office suites

Microsoft owns a minimal amount of stock, and the stock it does own is non-voting shares.

I'm not sure what you mean by apple not supporting other office suites. Never heard of Appleworks?

The reason there isn't any real competition for MS Office is simple market share. 90% of all business machines on the planet use MS Office. It doesn't HAVE to be a good product to succeed.

With that said, there certainly are alternatives, and I'd be happy to hear of other's experiences with them.
So there's an alternative.

I'm working in design. This means Quark XPress, Photoshop, Illustrator. Strangely, those programs are 100% cross-platform and 0% buggy on Mac, 1% buggy on PC.

I don't use Microsoft Word, I use TextEdit, that's fine. It's a real text tool. When I need more, that's tabs / paragraphs / tables* / etc., I use AppleWorks which comes with the iMac.

AppleWorks exports very well for Word, so for my part it's OK: I'm out of MS Office. But the customers aren't ! Most customers are PC… and they come with a great smile… and with Word and Excel files !

Moreover, I couldn't get AppleWorks to read <b>correctly</b> most Word files. The styles and approaches just change during the conversion.
So I'm using Word and Excel, not for myself but for reading clients' files…

Which means the solution is not only the "Quit Microsoft" syndrome… Solution is also: tell Apple to get a REAL Word/Excel filter in their AppleWorks ! Of course Microsoft won't let them do. Quark did, though: on the XPress CD, you'll find the OLE extensions and a Word filter to import Word files into Quark XPress text blocks without any problem.

Oops: the OLE's for Mac OS9… so we OSX guys are stucked here… :)