Darwin ports on intel macbook??


ive just tried to install darwin ports on my new intel macbook pro and when i do the self update i get the following output error:

sarndeep-nijjars-computer:/Users/sarndeepnijjar root# port -d selfupdate
no suitable image found. Did find:
/opt/local/share/darwinports/Tcl/pextlib1.0/Pextlib.dylib: mach-o, but wrong architecture
while executing
"load /opt/local/share/darwinports/Tcl/pextlib1.0/Pextlib.dylib"
("package ifneeded" script)
invoked from within
"package_native require Pextlib 1.0"
("eval" body line 1)
invoked from within
"eval package_native $args"
(procedure "package" line 14)
invoked from within
"package require Pextlib 1.0"
(procedure "dportinit" line 309)
invoked from within
"dportinit ui_options global_options global_variations"
Error: /opt/local/bin/port: Failed to initialize ports system, no suitable image found. Did find:
/opt/local/share/darwinports/Tcl/pextlib1.0/Pextlib.dylib: mach-o, but wrong architecture

does this mean that it doesnt work on my intel mac :( or is it something else that i am missing or doing wrong?
It's quite possible that it's not available for the Intel Macs if they haven't said so on the DarwinPorts site. Have you tried Fink?
You did actually click the link that nixgeek posted, right?

From the first page of that link:

A preliminary version of Fink for the Intel architecture is now ready. No binary packages are available, and things are still rough around the edges, but it should be usable if you are patient!

Mind you, it's still pre-release stuff and you'll have to compile everything from source for now, but you seem anxious to get up and running with either program (fink or DarwinPorts), so this should get you your fix until things progress a little further!
Tesseract_ said:
DarwinPorts has worked on Darwin/x86 for ages. The prebuilt binary packages are probably PowerPC-only though, so you'll need to build from source. It's not hard; see http://www.darwinports.org/getdp/ (under the "Source Installation" subheading).

Correct. It was one of the first things I did after getting my MacBook. The build goes very smoothly. Once done and a 'selfupdate' is run, it seems to work just fine. I've already installed gaim using it, and it works great.

[mini:~] smirl% sudo port -d selfupdate
no suitable image found. Did find:
/opt/local/share/darwinports/Tcl/pextlib1.0/Pextlib.dylib: mach-o, but wrong architecture
while executing ...

Have seen already 9 entries in the their bug report list - all with 10.4.5.

If it helps:
fink installed w/o error msg.
fink does work... although, i would recommend downloading each of the C++ source libraries and comiling them for your own machine

and yes darwin ports does work...

... see the thread glib libraries for more details.
(I installed, glib, glibmm, atk gettext, pango, libxml, libc++, ummm heaps from source...) fink does not have all of these includes in the intel distribution as yet.
The problem is that the TCL libraries in the ports package contains only PowerPC binaries. Follow the instructions for "Source Installation" here:


After downloading, extract the archive..

cd Desktop
bunzip2 -dc DarwinPorts-1.2.tar.bz2.tar | tar xvf -
cd DarwinPorts-1.2
sudo make install
sudo port selfupdate

Now you are ready to Install ports using "sudo port install ..."
Just wait for the right stuff. Remember, this whole move to Intel is akin to replacing the foundation right out from under your house. There's *lots* of stuff out there that has to be refactored, or rebuilt from source. Sometimes developers take that sometimes-necessary platform dependent shortcut. We're taught not to whenever possible, but it happens sometimes, none the less. And given the plethora of libraries and such out there for the *nux OSes, having something standardized like Darwin is, is a blessing. Being able to count on things for more than one or two releases is just amazing. So, many developers settle in to a comfort zone, knowing their libraries are concrete and stable. Then, whammo, the OS manufacturer comes along and says "we're changing platforms", and sends the community into a tizzy.

Just wait and all will be well. Don't bother with pre-release stuff unless you're perfectly comfortable (and patient) with builds and debugging builds.
Is anyone else continuing to have issues with DarwinPorts? I am having failures using version 1.320 on both a PowerBook G4 and MacBook Pro after I installed the latest MAC OS X security update.

Fetch fails for gettext; rsync fails when trying to do a self update; etc. While some of the port installs do work, those with dependancies are simply not working.