Dashboard: Useless outside the USA?

Personally I live in Paris (France) and AccuWeather for paris is working fine in Dashboard. Yellowpages does not work though... and the worse part is that the Tiger Feature booklet given in the box, under the dashboard part, shows Yellowpages results with real Paris (France) ADDRESSES!!!!!
Either they had another widget installed for Yellowpages or it's all PHOTOSHOP! (I installed the US version though... maybe if I had installed the french version of Tiger it would have given me different widget).
there is no 'us' version or 'french' version to install - and the widgets are the same regardless how many languages you install (and English is _always_ installed).
The only issue I have with Dashboard is the phone book thing, too. I'd like to look up a phone number here in Dublin (Ireland) just by opening the Dashboard and entering the number. Doesn't work for me... :(
Thanks for the "phone book" list.
But the French version is pretty much useless... All it does is display the form to fill out the inquery, then it opens the default browser and gives the results via the browser...

But it's a good start I guess.

Thanks again.
I think we need to give Apple a little bit of a break. Tiger has been out less than a week, and I would certainly expect them to start out with the US phonebook. I'm sure either Apple or third parties will come out with widgets that will point to additional country phone books.

Apple I think rightly focuses on the core base at first, the US, when it first releases a product, as that's where most of the earnings will be. iTunes started out in the US, but is now pretty much global. Give Apple a little breathing space, and I'm sure they'll add more soon.

There's always 10.4.1 and beyond...
Also I don't think that the majority of the widgets are even Apple products. They all seem to carry some branding that make me think that they are third party doodads like IE.
How precise is it, the weather information?

I mean, how close is it to your location? Nearest city? Capital?
lurk said:
Also I don't think that the majority of the widgets are even Apple products. They all seem to carry some branding that make me think that they are third party doodads like IE.

What I would like is a dashboard that looks somewhat, similar, all the widgets carry the same design. I can understand that the differing colours of the widgets are mainly for easy recognition, but still, a somewhat less colourful theme would be cool.

Also, are skins available?
thedashboarder.com and apple's own site both have plenty of international widgets.

iSlayer.net has two great ones for Aussies - a TV Guide and a Movie Guide (both alpha, but work OK)
Convert said:
How precise is it, the weather information?

I mean, how close is it to your location? Nearest city? Capital?

It's not too bad. I've got localized weather for Oxford, something I'm quite impressed by.