date/time missing from menu bar


strange. after restarting tonight, my date/time and WeatherPop info are GONE from the right hand corner of the menu bar. i have tried to restart again and have no luck. where did that stuff go?!
i am set in my prefs to show this info.
any ideas?
this is strange, because i had ALREADY done this, but on a whim, i ran Repair Disk Permissions again and ....

it is back and working.
Unix (Mac OS X under pinnings) can have funny permission issues. It is a good idea to Run Permission Repairs about every two weeks and it is wise to run it after every upgrade. It will save you a lot of future headaches. :D
You know what, thats exactly whats happening to my
date & Time. I do have custom themes, I've ran repair permissions & didn't help one bit.

When I place the cursor over the area where there
should be the date & time I get a spinning beach ball.
It still happens after I've upgraded to 10.2.5
what else can I do?:eek: