Dead pixels/sub pixels


Mac Metal Head
How many dead pixels do you need before apple will replace your screen? i just found one on my iBook.

I also wish the back of the screen was more sturdy, i have marks from my keys rubbing on the screen now and there wasnt anything heavy on it.
Everyone here will have an opinion about locked pixels, but just one pixel is not going to get you very far with Apple. There is some official Apple info HERE
The marks on your screen are mostly from oils deposited on the keycaps by your fingers. A good quality LCD cleaner will take them off (such as KlearScreen) Most people have good results by leaving a thin sheet of some kind on the keyboard when closing the iBook. I just use a clean piece of paper, no marks! Or you can purchase one of the various products sold for this purpose (a little pricey, I think)
Here is a little info on LCD technologies and why dead pixels occur... probably not what you want, but I'm still looking. ;) (The fact that LCD screens have so few dead pixels is certainly something to be happy about, considering how many subpixels they have.)

[Later] Well, I couldn't find anything on Apple's site about how many dead pixels your screen needs to have before it is "defective," but I read a review of one of Formac's LCD monitors where they said Formac considers 3 pixels defective while for Apple it was something like 7 or so... don't remember too well, but it's something like that. So one isn't going to get you much more than condolences, sorry.
Most companies that make monitors require 3 dead pixels or 8 dead subpixels. Its the just the green subpixle that is stuck on with mine so its not that noticable.
In the UK, Apple have decided that 5 is the magic number.

I had a couple of dead pixels on my tangerine clamshell iBook, I got a 50 quid rebate from the reseller [mail-order, not Apple]

There is a way to revive a stuck pixel, but you have to be careful and often it doesn't last beyond a reboot:

place a lint cloth over a finger [or thumb] of your choice and then gently make a rolling action with said digit over the affected area.

The watchword here is 'gentle'. We've all seen what happens when you press an LCD screen hard. Press too hard and you'll end up with more dead pixels than you started out with!..
ElDiabloConCaca said:
Personally, I would have thrown those "quids" right back at them and demanded dollars, euros or pounds... ;)

You little wheeze, you! ::ha:: :p

Anyway, where have you been? haven't seen you lurking around for at least a week...
Hehe... just wait until I tell you about the rebate I never got for my Que!Fire CD-RW drive... I should have gotten back 30 "bones!" Hehe... I guess a few thousand miles really makes a difference in the lingo people use... ;)

I've been around, I've just been kind of selective in the threads I participate in. I'm taking 16 hours of courses at my university, so Java programming and statistical methods are keeping me busy... plus, I'm trying to get rid of this belly 2 hours a day my girlfriend put on me with her cooking... ;)

BTW, love your avatar... I need to update mine. I think that's the same damn avatar I've had since I registered!
ElDiabloConCaca said:
BTW, love your avatar... I need to update mine. I think that's the same damn avatar I've had since I registered!


Like it? It's the face of a character I created for a mobile phone network...

Heh... it's great! I hope you used it to signify the face you'd be making if you went with a competing mobile phone company, otherwise I might be hesitant to use that service! ;)

I like it because it's simple and integrates nicely with the color scheme of this site. Time for me to fire up Illustrator!
For Toshiba notebooks, the amount of burnt pixels found before it's considered defective, is 15. Or a large amount of pixels clustered in a specific area....

So 5 is pretty good! :->