Delet duplicate files!


Good morning,

I don't know if I have duplicate files on hand. I've recently installed Leopard and I'd like to purge the system of duplicate files, especially any duplicate OS's that may exist before I install CS3. Does anyone know a reliable way to detect and safely delete these files?
depends on what type of files you want to delete. have you done a archive and install (while preserving user and network data)? once you do that and log back in, you can delete the contents of /Previous Systems

MacBook Pro 15" | 2 PowerBook G4 17" | 4 PowerBook G4 (1.25, 867, 667, 500) | PowerBook 12" | 2 PowerBook G3 (Bronze) (FireWire) | 2 Power Mac G4 (QuickSilver) | 4 Power Mac G4 (Dual 533, 733, 450) | Power Mac 7100, 7500, 8500, 8650, 9500, 9650) | Apple Network Server 700/150 | Quadra 900, 700, 605 | Centris 650 | 3 Xserve G4 | 1 Xserve G5 | Xserve RAID 10.5TB | Mac Pro 8 Core 4 GB 2x750GB/320GB/250GB | 5 iMac 15" LCD (15/17") |
If you have done a reinstall of OS X in the past, using the option to Archive & Install, then there will be a folder named "Previous Systems" on your hard drive. If you don't have that folder, then you never reinstalled OS X with that option, or you have deleted that folder. It's not important to keep, once you know that the reinstall was successful. Unless something is unusual, that folder does not have any of your files, only replaced system files. It's not really a backup, if that's what you are asking about.