delete key in mail


Is it possible to make it so that I have to do command+delete to delete a message instead of just the delete key?

Very often (call me weird), I start typing. Perhaps thinking I'm in a different window. And I might hit the delete key semi-unconsciously. When I do that, some number of mail messages get moved to Trash. Then I have to go rummaging around my Trash and pull them out. Yea... its stupid but it happens to me probably once a month.
bump -- this bit me again. Any suggestions on how to get the delete key to not delete mail?
Wellmaybe no one replied because you never listed the version of OS X you are running. I say this because the answer is very different from 10.5 to newer versions of OS X.
I can't help you with modifying the code in your software, but there's always behavior modification:
If you accidentally hit delete, then hit un-delete (command-Z) to immediately return the deleted message to its former location.
(That won't help much if you hit delete multiple times "semi-unconsciously" - maybe you need more sleep - or just cut back on the beer! :D )

Move your important emails out of your inbox to some other folder, which may not have a message selected if you accidentally hit delete.
If you don't want "delete" to delete a message, what other result should 'delete' have? If your message list is active, and in front, then there's always that risk.
There's likely other great tips that others might offer
Thanks. In the finder, for example, I have to hold Commnad + Delete to throw something in the trash. I'd like the delete key (while in mail) to either do nothing.

I do the undo but, as you said, if I whack the delete key multiple times, I'm hosed.

I tend to archive my mail once a week but, the archives are not "idiot proof" either.
Then just make a key to your hearts desire in in 10.6.x + 10.7.x. Just go into System Preferences->Keyboard. In Keyboard click on the mini tab for 'Keyboard Shortcuts' in there click on 'Application Shortcuts' and make your custom shortcut for Mail.

Plus in Mail right click on Mail menu bar in the plain dark grey are and customize Mail's buttons with drag & drop. Put a Delete key in Mail's menu bar.
Thanks (again)... still not working.

I can't put the delete key into the short cut and I also can't put Command+Delete into the shortcuts. (I can put Command+S for example but when I try to put the delete key or command+delete it just beeps at me.

I was going to make the delete key do something benign ... but it won't let me.
Hmm... With Lion, it appears as if the Undo goes back multiple events. I just deleted six messages (junk message) and then did Undo six times and it brought all of them back. So... this isn't as bad as it use to be.

I'm still curious, now that Satcomer got me thinking about custom keyboard shortcuts, how to hook up a custom shortcut using the delete key (or command-delete).