Against my better judgment, one last post.
From what I've seen in response to my post, the membership here is not 100% computerists. There are some fanatics, zealously devoted to defending "their" machines against the world, and arguing by juvenile insults when their pathetic rationalizations fall apart like a card house in a tornado.
Last time for the minority of tantrum-throwing brats who think I'm picking on their toys:
They are excellent computers for whatever one wants to do with them.
Prancing little peacock, fan your tailfeathers at someone who'll be impressed. Your opinion of me and a buck will buy you a cup of coffee.
BTW, Eddie: people who are "creative, intelligent, leaders, and inventors" know WTF a shift key does. Or haven't they covered that yet in your third-grade computer class?
If the computerist wannabes like Eddie with his "grape imacDV" feel superior because they think macs are for people who are "creative, intelligent, leaders, and inventors" (the type of people they'd like to be if they were mature), let them have at it. Illusions are comforting.
If I ever find a Wintel computerist who desires to deal with petulant little boys, I'll be sure to send them here.
From what I've seen in response to my post, the membership here is not 100% computerists. There are some fanatics, zealously devoted to defending "their" machines against the world, and arguing by juvenile insults when their pathetic rationalizations fall apart like a card house in a tornado.
Last time for the minority of tantrum-throwing brats who think I'm picking on their toys:
They are excellent computers for whatever one wants to do with them.
Eddie, thou arrogant little pup, I'm probably old enough to be your father, if not your grandfather. I've been around computers since the core memory and IBM 360 mainframe has always been a step ahead and a head above the pc world. if you don't believe that then you are either young or naive. or a 'dozer' - asleep at the keyboard.
Prancing little peacock, fan your tailfeathers at someone who'll be impressed. Your opinion of me and a buck will buy you a cup of coffee.
BTW, Eddie: people who are "creative, intelligent, leaders, and inventors" know WTF a shift key does. Or haven't they covered that yet in your third-grade computer class?
If the computerist wannabes like Eddie with his "grape imacDV" feel superior because they think macs are for people who are "creative, intelligent, leaders, and inventors" (the type of people they'd like to be if they were mature), let them have at it. Illusions are comforting.
If I ever find a Wintel computerist who desires to deal with petulant little boys, I'll be sure to send them here.