Dell going out of business

Against my better judgment, one last post.

From what I've seen in response to my post, the membership here is not 100% computerists. There are some fanatics, zealously devoted to defending "their" machines against the world, and arguing by juvenile insults when their pathetic rationalizations fall apart like a card house in a tornado.

Last time for the minority of tantrum-throwing brats who think I'm picking on their toys:


They are excellent computers for whatever one wants to do with them.
apple has always been a step ahead and a head above the pc world. if you don't believe that then you are either young or naive. or a 'dozer' - asleep at the keyboard.
Eddie, thou arrogant little pup, I'm probably old enough to be your father, if not your grandfather. I've been around computers since the core memory and IBM 360 mainframe days.

Prancing little peacock, fan your tailfeathers at someone who'll be impressed. Your opinion of me and a buck will buy you a cup of coffee.

BTW, Eddie: people who are "creative, intelligent, leaders, and inventors" know WTF a shift key does. Or haven't they covered that yet in your third-grade computer class?

If the computerist wannabes like Eddie with his "grape imacDV" feel superior because they think macs are for people who are "creative, intelligent, leaders, and inventors" (the type of people they'd like to be if they were mature), let them have at it. Illusions are comforting.

If I ever find a Wintel computerist who desires to deal with petulant little boys, I'll be sure to send them here.

Welcome back, hope you had a great holiday.

I'm sure Ed can defend himself, but I would like to take a look at some parts of your statement (which didn't include a response to my post... Doom, I'm hurt by that).

Originally posted by DoctorDoom
Eddie, thou arrogant little pup, I'm probably old enough to be your father, if not your grandfather. I've been around computers since the core memory and IBM 360 mainframe days.

I don't think so. Your posts to date at best put you in your early twenties (if not late teens). You have shown a weak knowledge of computer history and your use of things like "WTF" is quite juvenile (not to mention the "gotcha" that wasn't). Your post continue to be governed by emotional out bursts which implies that you haven't had many arguments in your life, which again makes you very young. The fact that you feel the need to attack other aspects of Ed's post also strengthens that belief.

Doom, the fact that you seem to think that we are attacking you when we are not is quite strange. My posts have been direct arguments to your points. Ed was responding to the insult (and you did make an insult, please read your own post) that was not called for.

I would love to have you post here as a regular, but I think the temper tantrums reflect poorly on your arguments.
i'm not sure what to defend myself against. I am a little arrogant - I admit that. Of course my word for it is self-confident. I am a bit of a peacock. I call that looking good. I make most of my coffee at home so a buck and my opinion of Mr. Doom will get me a lot more than one cup of coffee. (it will get me a 20 minute long distance phone call, he he)

Mr. Doom (I have real doubts you are a DR of any kind.), you and you alone can know just what your age is compared to mine. I give my bday in my profile. It has been there from day one unlike yours. Feel free to make one up that will make you as old as you need to be to justify yourself. I assume you must be retired and have nothing else to do. You would almost have to be, to be old enough to be my father. I'm pretty convinced sitting around the house all day isn't doing your mood a lot of good. Perhaps going back to work part time would help. I know it did for my stepdad.
Yes, I can use a shiftkey and have done so just for you in this post. Most people can see the little round dots called periods and know what's going on. But since you are older and your eyes are probably failing faster than mine, I will do this much out of respect for an elder.
I am not sure if this was meant for me, but I will admit I am not a computerist (whatever that is). I am a computer user. I don't program or do tech work. I just enjoy using my computer. As such I have had to learn, and continue to learn, how to fix and improve them. That's why I visit this site. Or at least why I started. I like to help others with their problems and often try to assist in troubleshooting. Mr. doom, do you have a pc forum where you assist others? Surely someone with your vast experience would be a valuable asset to such a community.

I certainly had no intention of this becoming a name calling match. Quite frankly, i submit that Mr. Doom is better at that than I. I imagine you think you are insulting me by calling me Eddie. In fact, only my close family and old friends call me that and I find it a genuinely endearing name.
I am glad you cleared up the misunderstanding we had that you were attacking macs. Now we do not need to debate that issue any more. Apparently you only dislike and attack mac owners. That's ok.
I do hope that having registered and partcipated in this online community that you will hang around and contribute constructively. Let's all let bygones be bygones. If you do poke around this site some more you might find enough other posts from me to understand that my real problems are not with pc's or their users. They are with M$.

One last thing though. As to the statement you picked to attack me with, I gave you choices - 1)concede that windows was a ripped off version of apple's gui, 2) admit your youth, 3) admit a lack of knowledge about this, or 4) say you just don't give a damn about it. Your reply was to attack me. In psychology this is part of what are referred to as borderline defenses. Often seen as a sign that one has trouble facing the truth and so must organize their reality at a strictly emotional level. It is common in teens and early twenties to some extent, but is seen as a clinical condition after that. I am being very serious here when I say that you might want to seek the help of a good professional therapist if these types of response are interfering with your real world relationships as well. I will simply write them up to a moment of frustration and forget about it. no hard feelings.:)
Well I think I will add to this alittle bit. :D

" Anything is better than Windows"

Where did that come from?

Neither the MAC OS or Windows are better or worse than the other.

With any OS there are good points and bad points, and people like or dislike them for different reasons. Everyone has an opinion.

There was also some statement about Windows users not being as smart as MAC users.

That is not true at all, I have worked on MAC's as I am in the IT field. People who own and use MAC's are the same as people who use PC's. They have the same hang ups and issues as the average PC user has.

The good thing is that we as consumers have a choice what we buy, MAC or PC. I don't condone someone for buying a MAC and make the person inferior to because I have PC's.