Okay, so Dell was second to remove the floppy drive (or third or fourth). Did you expect them to say "Today we're following Apple..." or "We're sorry but we have to remove..."? Of _course_ they're pushing this as a step towards the future. And if you say Apple is not a PC maker (as in Windows compatible), Dell might just be the first (first big one at least) to do so. Let's not care too much about Dell but concentrate on Apple. I think it's time Apple thinks about modularity on PowerMac systems. Firewire is cool, but the towers should have better internal options. What about a removable-harddrive-solution that could be shared with Xserve? (Not the solution Xserve has now, but a total FireWire800 solution...) Imagine a slot for harddrive modules that only have a Firewire800 connector. You can attach them externally, if you want, but you also can just pop them into the drive bay (that could also take other modules that connect via Firewire)... Hmm... not too bad, that idea, I think...