Desktop Picture


I have a reasonably good collection of desktop pictures, many from VladStudio and Intertfacelift.

The problem is that I get bored with them so quickly.

I have yet to find anything better than Apple's Solid Aqua Blue.

Does anyone else default to this?
I have yet to find anything better than Apple's Solid Aqua Blue.

Does anyone else default to this?
No way! :eek:

I have a huge collection of backgrounds, and I get bored of them, too. So I use ChangeDesktop to keep things interesting. For a while I had it select a random background every 15 minutes. These days I don't have it automatically change it, but I still use it to set a random one whenever I get bored.
I never really see my desktop, but I have two abstract images I made in Photoshop, I did it in Red, Green and Blue (so it's actually six images) and set the desktop to change ever five seconds, I never get tired of it.
I always like changing pics on my's the latest.
Nice sites bbloke


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