Developer's Kit (intel Mac) information (merged thread)

Dont concerning about devkit's hardwares. Right now Apple's goal to foucs on softwares to adjusting to make it work with hardwares such as ethernet, pci, rams, and processor. Once MacOS X is ready then Apple will releasing new hardwares that will go beyond our belief.
MacFreak said:
Dont concerning about devkit's hardwares. Right now Apple's goal to foucs on softwares to adjusting to make it work with hardwares such as ethernet, pci, rams, and processor. Once MacOS X is ready then Apple will releasing new hardwares that will go beyond our belief.
focus ;)
You're right of course and quite the optimist :)
Hey IntelDev, I was wondering what comes along with the dev kit??? Just Curious, besides the computer, is there a contact saying you HAVE to give back this computer at the end of 2006?? Also, keyboard, mouse?? I'm just curious because a 1000 bucks is a good chuck of change. Also manauls what other things is there besides the computer?? There has to be more then just an install cd/dvd and a computer. What about updates do you get those from the software updater or adc website? Thanks for your time
It may seem like a lot for the dev kit but when you think about the companies that would actually use them it's not really that much. 1 grand is pretty cheap even for my dad who is a residential mechanical contractor.
1 grand for all that? Hell if that's all it costs (even if it is a dev. kit) than that must mean the next Macs'll be cheaper. I mean of course Apple could of lowered the price just for the sake of trying to get the hardware to devs. but Im sure it shows signs of lower prices to come!
Stridder44 said:
1 grand for all that? Hell if that's all it costs (even if it is a dev. kit) than that must mean the next Macs'll be cheaper. I mean of course Apple could of lowered the price just for the sake of trying to get the hardware to devs. but Im sure it shows signs of lower prices to come!

I seriously doubt that we can garner anything about future Mac prices from the price of a developer's kit.

First of all, $1000 gets you a lease machine that must be returned to Apple on a specified date in 2006. You do not get to keep the machine nor anything that came with it.

Second of all, we do not know yet which processor will be used in the new Intel Macs. It will be a commercially available processor (not a custom processor specifically for Apple) and we have no clue how much Apple is paying for them.

To be sure that $1,000 to lease a developer machine means lower prices on future Intel-based Macintosh computers is not a wise conclusion.
Absolutely, which is why I said you can't read ANYTHING into this. It's only a dev kit for a specific purpose with a very short lifespan.

(Although I am wondering how many are being made available and how they will be disposed of after, destruction seems like a terrible waste of resources. Apple have been accused of not being exactly environmentally friendly.)
to be the 3 year old on christmas day....

What's the box like?

is it brown? is it a standard g5 box? (if so, have they tipp-ex-ed out the 64-bit desktop computer bit? :P) does it say MACTEL (for the people who actually want to adopt that name)? i've always liked apple boxes... sexier than most rivals actual products....
nietzsche2131 said:
Hey IntelDev, I was wondering what comes along with the dev kit??? Just Curious, besides the computer, is there a contact saying you HAVE to give back this computer at the end of 2006?? Also, keyboard, mouse?? I'm just curious because a 1000 bucks is a good chuck of change. Also manauls what other things is there besides the computer?? There has to be more then just an install cd/dvd and a computer. What about updates do you get those from the software updater or adc website? Thanks for your time

Thought this sort of got drowned out.
nietzsche2131 said:
Hey IntelDev, I was wondering what comes along with the dev kit??? Just Curious, besides the computer, is there a contact saying you HAVE to give back this computer at the end of 2006?? Also, keyboard, mouse?? I'm just curious because a 1000 bucks is a good chuck of change. Also manauls what other things is there besides the computer?? There has to be more then just an install cd/dvd and a computer. What about updates do you get those from the software updater or adc website? Thanks for your time

Yes, there is a contract, that you agree to when you buy it (Supplemental Terms), that says the machine must be received w/in 7 days of the end of the contract, which is made to occur on Dec 31 2006.

The machine comes with USB keyboard and mouse, power cord, and an installer DVD. Thats it. You must keep the original packaging (only slightly larder then a g5 tower), and best I can tell it is your responsibility to ship it, but they say more details will come as the contract nears termination.. Im not sure about updates, there arent any yet. but Im sure it will run leopard as those builds come along.

Really you are just paying to get the opportunity to port your software before consumers get machines, so there isnt a 'lag' where they cant use machines.

If you make particular software, I would be glad to test it on my system and tell you if it runs right under rosetta, so you know you have leeway with that.

Here's something they're doing that's just plain wrong...

The Mac OS X assembler orders operand fields for i386 instructions in the reverse order from Intel’s conventions. Intel’s convention is destination first, source second; Mac OS X assembler’s convention is source first, destination second. Where Intel documentation would describe the Compare and Exchange instruction for 32-bit operands as follows:


Hopefully they'll fix that eventually. :D
It is not just an Apple thing GCC on Linux is the same. What you are seeing is the difference between AT&T and Intel assembly. Google for "AT&T intel assembly" for all the gory details. The upshot it that if this has not be resolved in the past 25 years don't hold your breath...