Different monitors, same Mac


I have a late G5 quad, 2.5Ghz with a GeForce 6600. I would like to have two monitors two different sizes, 19" and 24". Is there a video card that will support setting the two monitors to different resolutions? Also, I want to mirror the monitors.

I use the small monitor to display layouts to my clients, the big one is for me to hog all to myself. Currently I'm sliding the layout over to the smaller monitor so the client can review what is happening. Its OK but hey, its a computer world, why not shoot for the stars.
You can have mirroring - or you can have different resolutions on both monitors.
Not both at the same time.
To expand on DeltaMac's suggestion -- your current card already supports a dual-monitor setup. Simply plug in two monitors to the card, visit the "Displays" pane of the System Preferences, and adjust the settings to your liking.

As DeltaMac said, if you want to "mirror" your display, both monitors must be capable of running the same resolution... you can't mirror 1024x768 to 1440x900. That's not to say they have to be the same size monitor, that's just to say that if you mirror a 17" CRT @ 1024x768 to a flat-panel LCD which natively runs 1440x900, then the display on the LCD will look stretched because it... well, it's stretching 1024x768 to fit in a screen size of 1440x900.

If you use "Extended Desktop" mode, where both monitors display an "extended desktop" of sorts (precisely what you're using when you "slide" a presentation over to the client's monitor), then the monitors can be configured to run different and mutually independent resolutions.