disc will not eject


Hello all
I'm having a rather strange problem, the Ole'Lady was wanting to look at some pics she has on disc, oddly enough they where slow loading, and now will not even eject the disc, I tried to reboot the computer cause it was just freezing up on us, and now when I even right click over the disc icon, well it just vanishes , gone ,
I have pushed the eject button , nothing, any idea ?
thanks for the help
Straighten out a loop of a paper clip, and then insert the paper clip straight into the 'eject pin hole' and push - until the tray presents the disc.
You can also reboot and hold down the mouse button immediately after the startup chime, keeping it held down, and the tray should eject.
well I'm thinking the problem is deeper than I thought, when I go to re-boot, it doesn nothing but remove the dock, I have to manually turn the computer off just to re-boot it, I have ran OnyX and even it seemed to run slow, and yet I still have the problem(s)
Well I think I may have found a good part of the problem, the disc is still turning..., so how can I stop it, if I can get it to stop I'm sure it will eject...
thanks again
you could restart and go in to Open Firmware by holding down the following keys:
Command + Option + O + F

release the keys when the Open Firmware screen appears (it's black)
then type: eject cd
press the Return key

type: reset-all
or type...
and press the Return key again

thanks for the reply, from what I have found, I know that would fix my problem, but one thing stands in my way at this point, when I re-boot and hold the keys as you said, my computer brings up the log in screen and not the firmware window, so how do I get past that ?
thanks again