On my iBook G4 running OSX 10.3.9 I use the Network Pref Pane, PPP Options, to set the modem to "disconnect if idle for 1 minutes" but alas my modem is never idle for more than a few seconds. I can observe this in the Internet Connect app. The modem is transmitting and recieving every few seconds even if there are no apps running, just the modem dialed up and connected to my ISP "All2Easy.net".
I also notice a process in the Activity Monitor called "NetworkConnetivity" which shows CPU usage that corresponds with the modem activty viewed in Internet Connect. If I click "Quit Process" for this process then the modem will become idle and disconnect after the timeout period I have set in PPP Options, but of course this process is appearantly required. The web browser will not function without it running. Sometimes when I Quit Process, it will just start right back up again and of course not disconnect after the preset timeout period.
Can anyone tell me why my modem is so busy, to the point it is never idle long enough to disconnect via the Network prefs PPP Options checkbox?
I also notice a process in the Activity Monitor called "NetworkConnetivity" which shows CPU usage that corresponds with the modem activty viewed in Internet Connect. If I click "Quit Process" for this process then the modem will become idle and disconnect after the timeout period I have set in PPP Options, but of course this process is appearantly required. The web browser will not function without it running. Sometimes when I Quit Process, it will just start right back up again and of course not disconnect after the preset timeout period.
Can anyone tell me why my modem is so busy, to the point it is never idle long enough to disconnect via the Network prefs PPP Options checkbox?