Disk Utility Erase Free Space


I have inherited a Mac mini from my company and want to ensure that there is no old data on the HDD.
The company data has all been deleted, but I understand it was not done securely.

I tried using the Disk Utility Erase Free space to securely delete what I assume would be the old data but after a couple of hours it reports a failure because it is out of space

Reading through other threads this appears to be because of a temporary file that is being created.

My disc is 80GB with about 50Gb free, is there a way I can create the temporay file on my external drive which is 120Gb and should have ample room to perfom the task.
Download the free application Yasu and run all the tasks. It will help get all temp files out and keep the Mac running straight and narrow. Good Luck.
downloaded the application and cleared out all my caches etc. Not sure it does anything that my ONYX app doesn't do though.

However this does not answer the question. Can I through a switch or soemthing change where the temporary file is being created when I run the Erase Free Space command of disk Utility?
This just tells me where its currently gets put. Do I move this TMP folder to my other drive? Will an alias work? Is there a terminal command I can use?

I want to run a secure 7 pass Erase Free Space and while it is running have the temporary file written to a separate hard drive.