Dock in right side of menu bar

Do we need to be able to place the dock over the empty right side of the menu bar?

  • yes

  • no

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Originally posted by aishafenton
Why such hatred?

I agree that the dock could be better.. but I don't understand (some of) the Mac communities hatred of the dock? When it is one million times better than the classic approach!!!

The dock does take up space.. so why not use the auto-hide feature??
It's great! It takes up no space at all and when you mouse down you can get a full sized dock pop-up??

Regardless I'm sure the dock will improve with age..

Yeah, I get the amusing feeling that the dock will improve to the point that it's a modification on the OS 9 Application Switcher :) ;). Seriously though, I've been giving the dock a lot of thought since I've tried to get used to it.

To make OS X/the dock usable I've all but turned the dock into the OS 9 application switcher. I've used Docking Maneuvers to turn on pinning and orientation of the dock (my dock now sits on the right-top side of the screen). I've installed X-assist so that I have the app switcher menu back (I don't use the dock to switch programmes often b/c it takes more time to figure out which icon to click on & which app is open than it does to pull up the ASM). The other bonus to X-assist is that I now have more than 5 recent app items (the "apple" menu is especially useless b/c 5 is too little and I don't use recent docs, ever!!!!). I also turned on the trash can so I now have a trash can on the desktop rather than in the tiny dock!!!

PS FYI Apple has BUILT-IN support for desktop trashcan and for pinning/orientation of dock. It's as if they had an idea people wanted both items but some idiot decided that people would like their dock at the bottom of the screen, and had no need for a trash can (dock trash is pretty useless as I've already accidentally dropped files into the trash rather than into an app). The only dock trash thing I'd like is eject disk.

There are a few things I would now like to be able to do with the dock:
(a) change the background colour of the dock to WHITE. No translucence, no blue, but WHITE. The icons are fuzzy with the blue striped back ground (I have small icons). It's as if Apple went for style over substance. What a disappointment (& my eyes are good... imagine how people who are far-sighted suffer with OS X's colour scheme).

(b) prevent the dock from being changed once I have chosen the default two or three apps I want included in the dock.

BTW It was mentioned that it was possible to HIDE the dock. That's a lark, because whenever you move the cursor over that part of the screen you accidentally pull up the dock... that's extremely irritating. I tolerate it in Windoze b/c you're forced to use a taskbar but it really bugs me. I've not managed to get used to the here-i-am-here-i'm-not behaviour of the taskbar. The dock behaves EXACTLY the same way, and is equally useless in that respect. I still would RATHER have the taskbar than the dock in its default incarnation (the Start menu *is* useful). The way I've customized the dock now, it's sort-of livable. Unfortunately, there are still serious problems which make it less useful than it could be.

BTW #2 In a recent message someone pointed a link to an article in which it was mentioned that the #1 complaint Apple had on OS X was its slow GUI response time. The #2 complaint was with the DOCK!!!! It sucks, and there's a consensus opinion (apparently, but seemingly not here) that it SUCKS.

I have no objection to it being possible to have the dock in its current incarnation. Some people found the OS 9 Launcher useful (it was too limited an app launcher for me to ever use it for more than a few seconds... BUT, BUT, BUT, it's a more functional app launcher than the DOCK because it could have different folders!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!).

But, the dock is useless to me in its present (10.0.3) incarnation! It needs to be customizable. Pinning, orientation, desktop trash, option to turn off adding icons, option to have it function more-or-less like OS 9 app switcher, and re-introducing the app switcher menu!!!

I spent a hell of a long time learning how to use OS 1-9. The learning process started when I was 9 years old!!! (I was 9 when we got our first Mac 128 in 1984) The pattern recognition (trash at bottom right, clock at top right, app switcher at top right, app switcher menu at top right) is well entrenched, some of the patterns will be more frustrating to unlearn than will be worth the gain in efficiency.

Perhaps there might be more efficient ways (with a statistical significance) of doing these things, but, are they sufficiently more efficient for *ME* and for the millions of users already used to the current techniques to justify the change. It's not like the OS 9 solutions are bad. They've been fine-tuned over a long time. In the design stage I wish the developers would've kept the following sentences in mind: Change for the sake of change is worthless (Jones syndrome with their latest fashions). Resistance to change for the sake of tradition is equally worthless (religious people and morality (well, ok, pretty much anything;))). There are many equally parsimonious (roughly meaning equally effective) methods of completing a task and they will vary person-to-person. Having a million options defeats the purpose of options and reduces efficiency. Having NO options is also counter to efficient operations.

Anyway, off to the gym, Eric.

Anyone know of a mod that will allow me to separate the apps and document sections into two separate docks? I think that would be great.
Originally posted by erdunbar

(I don't use the dock to switch programmes often b/c it takes more time to figure out which icon to click on & which app is open than it does to pull up the ASM).
Tinkertool gives you options that make the running app clearer, and also that make hidden app's icons transparent, which makes the Dock a lot clearer to use, imho

(a) change the background colour of the dock to WHITE. No translucence, no blue, but WHITE. The icons are fuzzy with the blue striped back ground
There are a few hacks knocking about to do this, I think it's on TrickX to start with. Involves some fiddling with PDFs, but should have the desired effect. I agree that some options over this would be nice, but as RacerX and others have eloquently pointed out, Apple probably want OSX to remain as 'standard looking' as possible until its interface becomes as recognisable as its predecessor's (otherwise how will anyone recognise that it's an Apple when they show a computer screen on Buffy?)

(b) prevent the dock from being changed once I have chosen the default two or three apps I want included in the dock.
Yeah, this is annoying. But I guess that's something we'll get when Apple decides to unlock the dock options 'officially'

(the Start menu *is* useful
What for? Can't remember the last time I used mine...

I have no objection to it being possible to have the dock in its current incarnation. Some people found the OS 9 Launcher useful (it was too limited an app launcher for me to ever use it for more than a few seconds... BUT, BUT, BUT, it's a more functional app launcher than the DOCK because it could have different folders!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!).
THere's plenty of stuff you can do to get folders in your dock - Snard is good as a combined prefs/app launcher. And a simple alias with folder aliases in it will let you navigate away all over your desktop...

It needs to be customizable. Pinning, orientation, desktop trash, option to turn off adding icons, option to have it function more-or-less like OS 9 app switcher, and re-introducing the app switcher menu!!!
Desktop Trash is also available from tinkertool. The option to turn off adding icons is something I've been complaining about too, but apparently it IS possible with a bit of messing about.

Personally, I have no problems with the dock at all - I'm using it on the rhs of my Tibook screen at the moment to take advantage of the 'Mega-wide'(tm) screen proportions, but didn't mind it along the bottom. I always used the control strip (with a mod called Handyman) and the tear-off app switcher along the bottom of the screen instead of the Apple menu and the switcher menu anyway. So the Dock works better for *ME*than it seems to for *YOU*. Swings, roundabouts, horses, courses, each, own.
Originally posted by tismey

Tinkertool gives you options that make the running app clearer, and also that make hidden app's icons transparent, which makes the Dock a lot clearer to use, imho.

Well, I use DragThing (as I did in Os 9.1) as replacement for the dock, which is gone now and I don't miss it at all. I think it's a superfluous gimmick and DragThing is way better than the dock. They should have incorporated that instead. Those floating and constantly resizing icons are utterly useless and remind me of the little bouncy Mac animation found in MS Office products.
Yeah, a mate of mine is a Dragthing fan as well - I never really got into it before, but it does appear to have been providing a Dock-like function for a long time before Apple implemented their own Dock.

I guess this is what has always made Macs a great platform - Apple provide an interface, and then loads of other people come along and make it better. Let's face it, we're stuck with the Dock, so if you don't like it then find something else to do the job better, as sundry other people on the board have done.Apple are hardly going to remove such a massive section of the interface now are they, regardless of how many people whinge about it.

I can understand how some of you get frustrated because the dock takes up too much real estate. However, in my situation, I am dealing with Dual 19" monitors at 1600X1200. Real estate is no object. My opinion of the dock comes straight from the functionality of it.

Although its not perfect, the concept is great.

My biggest gripe: you can't ctrl-click on a docked window and close it. You have to expand it out of the dock and then command-w it.
Second: Why have a dockling for iTunes? When you ctrl click on the iTunes icon, it should give you all of the features that the iTunes dockling has...for the price of one icon. The same should hold true for every other app.

They could make it so you could get rid of the semi transparent part of the dock that the icons stick to. If you could make it so there were just a bunch of floating icons that slid up from the bottom of the screen, you could click the desktop between them.
Just a thought for the real estate problem.

Just my $.02