Does Quicken software come bundled with new eMac or not?


It all started at 3......

I recently bought a new eMac and noticed on the Apple website that it should come bundled with Quicken business software. I had a look through all my applications and CDs etc but I can't find it anywhere.

Has anybody received this software with their new eMac?

You didn't reformat and reinstall any software, did you? Some of the "included" software that comes with your new Apple is pre-installed, and does not include a backup copy on any of the CDs/DVDs that come with the computer.
Quicken for business (QuickBooks Pro) has never shipped with any Mac. The Quicken personal software, which may be Quicken 2004, should be in your Applications folder. Check the folder that has other installers if you don't see it immediately in list view.

Also true, if you have already re-formatted, that some third party software is not available to reinstall from your reinstall disks.
Thanks for your replies. Well I didn't reformat the drive since I've bought the new machine but when I first turned it on it did ask for the discs to install the operating system which all adds up to a reformat I guess.

I think if it's only a trial version I'm really not too bothered about it. I'm going to contact Apple Direct and ask about this as their website certainly doesn't state that it's only a trial version. I'll get back to let you all know what happens as soon as I have a response.
Ah-ha, I just contacted Apple and was informed that Quicken 2004 only ships with machines bought in the US. As I am in the UK this software is not included.

Well that explains that mystery anyway!

Thanks guys!

DeltaMac said:
Quicken for business (QuickBooks Pro) ...
Just to be clear.... Quicken and QuickBooks are 2 completely different programs. Same company (Intuit), but different products with different intended audiences (consumers vs. accountants).

I'll be the first to admit that the names are confusing, but I don't have any good defense for that.

ian27 said:
Thanks for your replies. Well I didn't reformat the drive since I've bought the new machine but when I first turned it on it did ask for the discs to install the operating system which all adds up to a reformat I guess.
Was this a refurbished machine?
Did you buy it from Apple or a retailer?
ian27 said:
I think if it's only a trial version I'm really not too bothered about it. I'm going to contact Apple Direct and ask about this as their website certainly doesn't state that it's only a trial version. I'll get back to let you all know what happens as soon as I have a response.
To the best of my knowledge there is no such thing as a demo/trial version of Quicken... It should have been the real deal...

I think you should call Apple...
Oh, the saga of Quicken. What a sad illustration of Mac ownership's dark side. Want to see a chronicle of misery? Check out Quicken 2004's reviews on Amazon.

I'm still using Quicken 2001, running in Classic mode. It's telling that when you search for "Quicken Mac" on Amazon, you get an opportunity to buy the 2001 edition--and I'd say you'd be wise to take it.

Intuit has apparently decided that they've got the Mac financial market cornered, so quality can be an afterthought, if it's a thought at all.

Would it really be so tough for Apple to write a simple finance manager app with the basic online banking functions that Quicken offers?