Does This Mean It's Completely Free??

The thing I don't get, is why Apple would go through the whole big thing of saying that you had to pay $20 s/h if on their website, they say that ground shipping is free if you order anything (which would include the 10.1 upgrade...)...

I'm still confused...
I still do not see the 10.1 Update anywhere on the website. If you were to order the full boxed version for $129, then the shipping will be free. I think they will still be charging the $20 for the S&H.
I just downloaded the order form!:D

The upgrade is $19.95+ Sales Tax (Sales Tax in the US only)...

The Full Upgrade comes with the 10.1 install CD, the 9.2.1 Install cd, Dev. Tools, and a Manual.

More info, and the order form, are here:

Oh yeah, to prove that you qualify, you have to have a reciept, or a Software Coupons that came with 10.1 or a computer with 10.0...

I don't know about you, but I'm going to go fill out that order form RIGHT NOW!!!!:D :D
Originally posted by iPenguin

I don't know about you, but I'm going to go fill out that order form RIGHT NOW!!!!

I'm filling it out too. But I can't believe I'm filling out a dead tree version of the form, and then trucking over to kinko's to fax it. I feel like it's 1990 again.

You would think that since I did register my computer when I originally purchased it, that I could just fill in the serial # or invoice # on a web form and that would be good enough proof of purchase. But no ...

Yep, the dead tree version does suck. But given that you need to send in one of those little coupons, I don't know how they would do it other wise.
Another question... it says sales tax is applicable for all US States... Is there a list some where of the sales taxes for this kind of item? I'll be damed if I can remember it for Arizona (where I live).
Originally posted by LordOphidian
Yep, the dead tree version does suck. But given that you need to send in one of those little coupons, I don't know how they would do it other wise.

I don't have coupons, because I got my 10.0.1 with the G4 I bought (just happened to be the first day they started shipping OS X with all new Macs). I have to send a copy of the invoice. One would think, in that case, that the numbers on the invoice and the serial number on the box would do the trick.
It's unlikely that someone without physical access to the invoice and computer could manage that, so upgrade fraud seems far-fetched

This is no time for a printer to break down!!!!!

Damn stupid ink cartridges!

Just another reason why the Dead Tree version sucks...:rolleyes:
Originally posted by LordOphidian
Another question... it says sales tax is applicable for all US States... Is there a list some where of the sales taxes for this kind of item? I'll be damed if I can remember it for Arizona (where I live).

Yeah, that's another stupid thing. They don't list the sales tax rates anywhere, and the customer service rep didn't know either. At least I could back-calculate the rate from the tax I paid on the computer itself...:p
If Apple is making people go through all the paperwork for 10.1, then it must be a full install version and not just an upgrade.

I imagine if this is the case we will shutdown the ftp server.

Why would Apple freely hand out 10.1 at the Expo if indeed it is a full version?

I guess I am asking... will the 10.1 upgrade install on a machine w/o 10.0 installed?

The OS X version 10.1 update CDs will NOT install on computers that do not have OS X version 10.0 or above on them. You need to have that installed first before you can install the OS X 10.1 update.

Oh well. :(

I'll probably wait 'til Saturday and then go to Fry's Electronics to get the free upgrade package from them (instant up-to-date program).
Only problem i see with the instant update is that it doesn't come with the developer tools... does are they going to be posted on the ADC site anytime soon? I can't log in there at the moment for some reason.
Could an entity such as ZDNet legally post the update for download now that it has been released?

I realize the size is huge but I'd try it if it were available and legal.

Sorry, I just saw the above note about posting it after I posted this.

I think its a great idea! IMHO
Can you get it at the Apple stores? Or other apple authorized people? I dont wanna send in crap and wait for it to come, I just want it now. And i dont wanna pay shipping and handling.

You can get it from the Apple stores if you have the proof-of-purchase (invoice of the computer, or the little coupon things) or you can get it from an Apple authorized reseller with the same POP. The only diffrence is that you don't get the Dev Tools cd, but i would imagine you can download the updated dev tools from the web.
My apple store in Minneapolis said alls i have to do is show up and they'd give me the update for free and they should have plenty to go around so i dont have to show up really early. WOW :D