Does Windows Media Player or Real Player contain spyware?


I was thinking about installing Windows Media player, but I heard that version 8 contained spyware, so I was wondering if version 9 does as well.

I am also thinking about installing Real Player, and I figured I'd ask if that contained spyware while I was at it.

Think you heard this from the windows version. The mac version never contained anythink (known) like spyware. I use both of them and neither my NIDS nor the traffic analyser shows anything unwanted.

But the windows version of both players contained spyware at least in the last versions.
I just learned that Dreamweaver MX 2004 contains a program the "phones home" to authenticate. See this page. Not really too bad, as it doesn't send you spam or anything, but no program should phone home.

I guess I'll buy GoLive.