Domain name transfer


Does anyone have any suggestions for a good and cheap company to transfer my domain name to? I had originally registered it through Yahoo, and they used a company in Australia. I've since changed my website to ICD Soft and would like to have a company stateside to deal with as it is expensive to send faxes to Australia.
If you mean domain name registry, I like They're inexpensive, easy to make changes, and they saved me from Network Solutions hell.
I transfered the hosting of my DNS hosting to ZoneEdit... It is a great services, easy to use and free if you are only managing a few sites.

They are hosting multiple subdomains for two different sites hosted on my Mac at home. They also have email forwarding, so I did not have to mess with sendmail...
That's a domain name "registry"... Since he already has a domain name, that's not what he's looking for.

He's after either a Web host to host the site & DNS, or just a DNS host that wil point the domain name whever he wants...