Donation 2004/thoughts

Blah... you misunderstand: I already do. But if I sit idle for 15 minutes or more, and then try to go back to my search results page for new threads, it's empty, or much shorter than before. And yes, I'm still logged in.

I think this takes a deeper level of understanding of how forum software works than most people seem to have... it's kind of hard to explain unless you know what's going on.

One thing I've noticed: what happened to the new buttons? All the vB buttons are back.
The v buttons are back because some of the new buttons were not displaying correctly.
As for search results, have you tried to refresh the page? Or go to the forum main page, then hit new posts.
As for your trouble with background only - what browser are you using?
Just checked to see... someone's already registered Scott? Nope, some guy called Daniel Harris... such a far-sighted fellow.

And Nope. No one has this.
I had an idea that I shared with Bobw a while back, but he didn't agree. I don't think I got my idea across very well and didn't follow it up.

But I think that there ought to be more services for new users.

Something really obvious like a big button that links to a bunch of starter resources.

So once they've logged in for the first time, they get a bunch of links to things like the FAQ's, notable How To's that cover common problems, a list of moderators [what a moderator is! That would help] and other stuff besides.

I only found out what the orange name and blue link line was all about today!..
Actually, that gives me a better idea (thanks octane)

We should have the rules of the forum on a link at the top of the forum's main page or with a BIG button.

A new user can do a search for specifics and we do have a FAQ link at the top of the page already.

moderator: the distinguished person assigned to monitor the users to make sure the forum rules are followed.

More services for newbies? What would separate them from us 'oldies'? Actually I think everyone should be treated equally.
Speaking of good ideas, I have a really bad one.

Instead of using orange text for names of contributors and black for everyone else (including bold black for you moderators), why not reserve orange for those who have not contributed... or worse yet, scarlet?

See, I told you it was a bad idea.
Cheryl said:
More services for newbies? What would separate them from us 'oldies'? Actually I think everyone should be treated equally.

Yes, there is that. But I was thinking that this new page would appear the moment they [a new member] logs in for the first time.

That way, they're aware that there are resources for them.

On the issue of color and donations made, I think the current system works fine, but with addition of maybe an explanatory title inside the pop-up menu you get when clicking on the member name?

Just an idea...
Actually, when you take the time to read the options when you click on a member's name, I think it is self explanatory.
An e-mail sent to people who just registered, or a link to a page with such info would be a nice touch.
Cheryl said:
Actually, when you take the time to read the options when you click on a member's name, I think it is self explanatory.

Click, click, click .. less clicks, the more inclined people are to source info. More clicks, people are less inclined and move onto something else...
This might sound trivial compared to some of the more pressing issues, but I'd like smilies to appear where the curser is in the textarea field and not down at the bottom of the page...
But it's worth pointing out just how good this site is, isn't it?

I love this forum and I'd like to thank all the hard-working girls and boys who set aside their valuable time to keep this entertaining, edifying and ever-enlightening edifice up and running.

Well done .. more! More!.. :D
Noticed the donations have slowed down somewhat now. :( Suppose this is expected though. Can't we have a virtual money-collection box to pass around the congregation on significant days (such as product announcements) ;)

We could do this...

Add a money-jingling sound file to the post view post link every time it's pressed.

An interesting and complementary way of making money might be to offer services related to each of the forum sections.

So for instance, in the Unix & X11 section, a poster could sign up for an on-line 2-day course in a particular area of Unixness.

There's a lot of smart people in here and I'm sure plenty of them work freelance, so it shouldn't pose too much of problem finding people to actually do the teaching. Vetting them might be another problem, but not insurmountable.

Then the forum organizers take their cut by way of middlemanning the transaction. And the teachers get some money for their time while the forum gets some money for hosting the lessons.

You could also supply a bunch of on-line automated tutorials. Would take some time building them up, but I'm sure it would work well and done properly would make much more effective use of the How To section.

Just a thought...
Hey octane... you dead right... that's gotta be the best theory ever!!! Wow!

I am of course joking, since I can't darn well see octane's post anymore ::angel::