Dont Install Tiger ifm you Use Epson Products

But that's just the thing! Nobody actually BUYS Epson printers! They just keep GIVING away the damn things! And all you can think is... "Well, why buy another printer, when MacMall is giving me this one for free?" And then Epson pulls the money for ink cartridges right out of your ass. The End.

Sorry. Do I sound bitter? :D
my epson c86 works when plugged directly into the pwbk, but am having trouble with airport connection . also the icon does not appear in the dock when printing, so no way to click on it to get the menu bar options to stop/resume printing. actually at this moment, I have some airport connected docks on queue but "stopped" and cant get to the menu bar to resume printing. (even though the dialogue box says by selecting "continue" printing will be resumed - doesnt happen.
esuebrown said:
my epson c86 works when plugged directly into the pwbk, but am having trouble with airport connection . also the icon does not appear in the dock when printing, so no way to click on it to get the menu bar options to stop/resume printing. actually at this moment, I have some airport connected docks on queue but "stopped" and cant get to the menu bar to resume printing. (even though the dialogue box says by selecting "continue" printing will be resumed - doesnt happen.
I had some initial problems with sharing my C 84, lots of confusing symptoms. Finally i found on the Tiger Printer Setup Utility menu an item to Reset Printing System. I had to reinstall my printers after that, that was easy because they were automatically detected along with the proper driver, all I had to do was click the button to Add the printer. I also had to turn print sharing back on, but no problem after that. You might give that a try and see if it doesn't get you going again.
I did install the Printer Driver from the Tiger installer, I spent 15 minutes doing everything the Apple tech told me to do, including reinstallation of drivers/chuck previous Print Drivers/ fsck -f/Disc Utility and then the Tech said that is all he could do to help. Epson still says there are no Official driver for 10.4 but that soem printer work( obviously from the resposesin the forum) but not my 1280. I am happy so many of you are getting good results. I really like Tiger..I just want to print with my 1280..anyone with any ideas' or work arounds??
Thanks. :cool:
I've been able to print with my Epson Photo 750 (VERY old printer) but with a few problems. It seems to work fine for the first thing I print after which a restart sometimes is required. Also, the Printer Utility does not work at all. I can't clean the nozzles. When tried, I get a "Communication Error" message without ability to use the utility. Occasionally, I can subsequently print without restart.

Bottom line: there are problems which I believe Epson needs to address.
I have an Epson 780 connected to a networked PC. I am using an Epson driver from the ESP folder--that I see when I add the printer. I have not tried using the Epson when connected to my iBook.
My Epson 4180 scanner does not work with Tiger. As per the instructions in the reference guide, I uninstalled the software, disconnected the scanner, restarted, reinstalled the scannner software (including the updates from the Epson web site), then restarted again, and connected the scanner. I keep getting the message that "cannot connect to the scanner". Other applications, Adobe Elements and Photoshop, say "no scanner is installed". Anyone have any ideas? It works just fine with Panther.
filmdesign said:
Epson still says there are no Official driver for 10.4 but that soem printer work( obviously from the resposesin the forum) but not my 1280. I am happy so many of you are getting good results. I really like Tiger..I just want to print with my 1280..anyone with any ideas' or work arounds??
Thanks. :cool:
My 1280 works only via USB. Wireless/Airport printing is broken in Tiger. Problem is, the printer is downstairs and way down the hall from where I'm usually working on my PowerBook. Serious bummer.
Where else would you connect a USB scanner but to the USB port? I guess I just don't understand. Still want my USB 2 Epson 4180 to work.

ApeintheShell said:
I just hook my Epson 1650 to the usb drive and it scans pictures via Image Capture.
oceanh said:
Where else would you connect a USB scanner but to the USB port? I guess I just don't understand.
It's not clear to which post you were referring. (In the future, you might consider using the "Quote" feature for clarity.) :-)

If you were referring to my post, what I meant was I can only print to my 1280 if I plug a USB cable into my PowerBook. That is not my normal way of printing. Of course, the printer itself is always plugged in -- but I have several computers on a part-wired, part-wireless network. And I typically print -- wirelessly -- from any room in my house on my PowerBook.

But Tiger has broken the wireless printing. So now, in order to print, I have to take the PowerBook downstairs and down a hallway to the room where the printer is, then plug a cable into the PowerBook -- and I haven't had to do it that way for the last 2-3 years.
Epson Stylus CX6600: Tiger drivers from install DVD didn't work to print or scan (I only tried two CUPS printing drivers though).

After installing latest drivers from EPSON (v2.65A for scanner, v2.0aA for printer driver), it works beautifully as it did in Panther.
My Epson Printer works fine. I upgraded and did nothing. It works off an iMac and a Powerbook via a Belkin Wireless.
No problem with the Stylus Photo 960. However, I was missing the borderless/etc settings after upgrading. Just d/l'ed the latest (pre-Tiger) from epson and I'm back in business. I also had to d/l the perfection 1240U scanner driver - Photoshop CS forgot how to import from TWAIN after the Tiger upgrade. No problem now.
I am running an Epson Photo 2200 on a iMac (USB) and a Epson Scanner 2450.
Both are working fine after a Tiger upgrade, i.e. not clean install.
MS Office Mac, Photoshop CS, Appleworks, Reunion 8, Filemaker 6/7 all are functioning just fine. It's been two days since the install.
iMac is about 800mhz and 512 memory, an older one.
I also installed Tiger on a Titanium PB 867mhz, 640MB, 40G and it is working just fine.
As everyone is aware a lot of companies don't have driver for any new OS which has been released. The All mighty Tiger 10.4 and M$ 64bit XP also lack of driver as of today. All you people out there only complain about which company does not have this or that support for your beloved printers and devices. When OSX 10.4 was released everyone went out pulled there hard earned money to purchase a brand spanking new OS but to forgot to check out the compatibility. Not all companies have the actual OS or have APPLE Computers send them out a Beta or deveoper's software for testing. It's not fair to flame about a company about their products being for free (after rebates). Basically all companies come out with $$$ after rebates, isn't that just a marketing strategy? What all need to have is a bit patients when it comes to drivers. Every product has it's lifespan, don't expect all companies to support all their product after 20 years just for you!! Most product that do last would be dot-matrix printers/ Parallel printers... would this work on a mac?? . From what I've been researching; Most people upgrade from OSX10.2~10.3 to Tiger and not a clean install. People.... That's where most problems come in. I've been with apple's from Apple II era to commodores Amigas till this day. Every OS/Hardware has it's pros and cons. I thought that there is always a war between PC's and Mac users, but what's with Mac's and Epson? If anyone can help out a fellow Mac user then it would be most of you people. Rather than avoiding the answer and flaming how bad a product is, if you can help out then a solution would be much appreciated. If Epson /HP/Canon made such bad drivers for the OSX platform, why does Apple sell these printers anyway? Why not Apple sell their own brand printers like Dell used to sell lexmark printer and HP printer, now they sell their Dell brand printer (Lexmark OEM). Think People. We mac user are smarter than PC people. We are a community not against each other. :mad:
Good for you. for using your Canon printer

It's obvious that you don't own or have an epson product. If there is no 10.4 driver then used a 10.3, isn't that easy enough to understand.

Just after 2 weeks already an update for 10.4.1 and the updates are for printer compatibility. Not all companies update their drivers everyday for the fun of it.
Driver updates are only for major issues. It takes time and planning.