The Finder is slow in its responsive to the user, especially when access to the volume is bandwidth restricted. This is a legitimate gripe. Apple should continue to work extensively on this problem.
If Illustrator is slow, I'd blame Adobe. Yeah it runs fast in 9 and Windows, it's been tweaked for those OSes for about a decade. I think it's just not tuned for OS X. If Adobe says that OS X is at fault, then let us know, and we'll help you yell at Apple for not keeping their flagship OS up to par.
I just think you're being terribly shortsighted if you are tossing an entire platform because of two unoptimized applications. The OS is wonderful, with Classic apps that run unchanged, carbon apps that allow us to have Illustrator, Office, et al. The cocoa environment and java with so much prebuilt stuff that there's little advantage to higher level languages like RealBasic and their ilk. Admittedly it depends on your workflow, and if you need Illustrator for 9 and the OS 9 Finder right now, and can't wait for equivalent products to mature into OS X, and won't run OS 9 ... well, you've pretty much made your choice already.
Even if I did like a M$ product on technical merit, I'd never use it on moral grounds. It's not their presence that I loathe so much as their ability to take away all choice and competition in whatever market segment they choose. I think M$ is the worst thing about the computer industry today. The RIAA/MPAA are working on a close second though. Switch if you want, it's your soul. ;-) I'll concede that Acrobat is unnecessarily slow, and the Finder needs work though.
If Illustrator is slow, I'd blame Adobe. Yeah it runs fast in 9 and Windows, it's been tweaked for those OSes for about a decade. I think it's just not tuned for OS X. If Adobe says that OS X is at fault, then let us know, and we'll help you yell at Apple for not keeping their flagship OS up to par.
I just think you're being terribly shortsighted if you are tossing an entire platform because of two unoptimized applications. The OS is wonderful, with Classic apps that run unchanged, carbon apps that allow us to have Illustrator, Office, et al. The cocoa environment and java with so much prebuilt stuff that there's little advantage to higher level languages like RealBasic and their ilk. Admittedly it depends on your workflow, and if you need Illustrator for 9 and the OS 9 Finder right now, and can't wait for equivalent products to mature into OS X, and won't run OS 9 ... well, you've pretty much made your choice already.
Even if I did like a M$ product on technical merit, I'd never use it on moral grounds. It's not their presence that I loathe so much as their ability to take away all choice and competition in whatever market segment they choose. I think M$ is the worst thing about the computer industry today. The RIAA/MPAA are working on a close second though. Switch if you want, it's your soul. ;-) I'll concede that Acrobat is unnecessarily slow, and the Finder needs work though.