Downloads Won't Open


I'm guessing something simple is behind this, but it's never happened before. Lately, when I download software from the Internet, it downloads and unstuffs just fine, but when I try to open the app, nothing happens. This has happened with a number of them now. Anyone know what's behind this?

Are you using StuffIt version 8? Try downloading and installing the StuffIt 8.0.1 update -- it fixes a problem with downloaded and compressed applications not having a certain "executable bit" set and therefore not allowing them to launch when they're unstuffed.
I've experienced this, and I don't know what causes it but I DO have a solution!

Go to the terminal, and navigate to the directory your program is in. For example if you the program is called "" (it always ends in .app even if it's hidden) and this program is located on your desktop you would type this to fix it:
cd ~/Desktop/ <ret> (this switches to your desktop folder)
then chmod -R 755 <ret> (this changes the permissions so it can be run properly).

This solved the problem for me. Let me know if it worked for you as well!! --David

mrmega74 said:
I'm guessing something simple is behind this, but it's never happened before. Lately, when I download software from the Internet, it downloads and unstuffs just fine, but when I try to open the app, nothing happens. This has happened with a number of them now. Anyone know what's behind this?

<ret> means Push Return, in case you're confused... it took me a second to figure this out.
ElDiabloConCaca said:
Are you using StuffIt version 8? Try downloading and installing the StuffIt 8.0.1 update -- it fixes a problem with downloaded and compressed applications not having a certain "executable bit" set and therefore not allowing them to launch when they're unstuffed.

That seems to have solved my problem.