
That file is used by the Mac OS X finder to store settings for how that file folder is displayed. It is normally not visible. That's why the name begins with a (.) - as in .DS_Store
If you see that on a PC, running windows, it's not a file that you can use in any way. Just delete that .DS_Store file. It's not part of your template.
On the Mac download the free application TinkerTool and put a check mark in the box in the "Network Access" section and it will stop those DSStore files.
Downloading Onyx and unchecking "show hidden files" will also solve stop the .DS_Store files from appearing. You can also do it via terminal,
"defaults write com.apple.finder AppleShowAllFiles -bool false"
without the quotes, it is case sensitive. Then hit enter, and type
"killall Finder"
also without quotes, case sensitive. That should get rid of them as well.