Duck shoot


What is it with senior politicians shooting lawyers? Viscount Whitelaw (a British senior stateman) shot a lawyer in some woods years ago and now Dick Cheney has done the same.

Is it possible to confuse a deer with a lawyer? What is it about lawyers that make them indistinguishable from other wildlife? I think we should know.
i think it has to do with inexperience on both persons. I use to hunt (but believe you eat what you hunt) and have ben shot at myself when someone trespassed onto my grandmothers property (that was not fun!). City dwellers in America seem to think they are the great white hunters because they go to their local indoor shooting range. I seem to think it is probably the same way around the world.
Yes, you are probably right. However, it's not just naive city folks who cause problems.

Wales (pop. 3,000,000) is not renown for gun crime, yet there exists considerable stockpiles of weapons in farmhouses and country homes. Occasionally a farmer will go berserk and go on a shooting spree (people not deer).

I watched a programme on gang wars in LA a few months back and described the programme to a local retired country policeman. I asked him if he could have coped with the streets of LA. His reply was direct. Look sonny boy, you’re thirty miles from the nearest town with a farmer pointing a double barrelled shotgun at you and back up is at least 40 minutes away. Give me LA any day, when I know at least three squads cars will arrive in seconds to back me up.
Hunting? You mean, there's still people who actually _need_ that? (I mean other than professionals taking care of wildlife.) I personally switched to FPSs back when Marathon first came out.