"DVD or CD Sharing" blocked by Firewall. How to unblock??


Hola there! from a MacBook Pro on OS X 10.6.4

Straight to the point:

On System Preferences > Sharing, I have the "DVD or CD Sharing" checkbox ticked, i.e. Service = On, however on the right hand side of the pane the on/off dot is red and it reads "DVD or CD Sharing: Blocked by Firewall".

Problem is that on System Preferences > Security > Firewall > Advanced…, "DVD or CD Sharing" appears set to "Allow incoming connections".

So what am I missing here?? :confused:

In case it helps, the options on Firewall's Advanced pane I've tried are:
- "Block all incoming connections" - UNchecked
- "Automatically allow signed software to receive incoming connections" - checked
- "Enable stealth mode" - both checked and unchecked.

Muchas gracias in advance for your much needed help!

Have you tried to share with the firewall turned off completely? Could be some other issue, and the firewall is just something that you should eliminate as a cause.