dvd player on ibook?


I am trying to help my parents play a dvd on their 12'' ibook, which they bought new in 2004. when i put the disk in the drive it didn't go in fully and got stuck and we had to restart the computer. they seem to think that the drive is CD only and not DVD. Could anyone help clarify?
Click on the blue Apple Apple (in the top left hand corner). Select " About this Mac" and when the window pops up, select the "More Info" button. This will launch System Profiler. In System Profiler highlight "Disc Burning" and this will show all you want to know about the installed DVD drive.

Plus open System Preferences from the Doc. After it is open Select the "CDs & DVDs" preference and select what you want the OS X machine to due when a disc is inserted.

plus i highly urge getting them a very easy read book that will make them much more adapted to OS X. It is written by a New York Times tech reporter named David Pogue and the name of the book is OS X: The Missing Manual, Tiger Edition. the book has larger type and actual picture that walk even the most extreme novice Os X users to make them intermediate to advance OS X users. The book is also humorous too.