DVD+RW not writing


I am using a Sony DVD+RW but although it appears to be burn to the disk, at the end it say it has not burned and there is an error. I checked System Profile and it does list DVD+RW as compatable.Please can anyone help please?
DVD+RW disks (the media) are erasable, and therefore reusable.
Have you used that disk before, and burned successfully?

If yes, try erasing that DVD+RW in Disk Utility, then try the burn again.

How much has your burner been used?
Have you tried cleaning that drive?
I don't have suggestions about particular brands of optical media.
But, the suggestion to try a different brand is a good one.
If you have not used Sony before, what other brands of rewriteables do you usually use?

I think Sony is a good brand (at least, I have not had more problems with Sony than other brands I have used)
If you have more Sony disks, have you tried another Sony disk?
Have you tried cleaning the drive? Even blowing into the slot with a 'can-o-air' might be helpful.

Have you burned lots of other disks in your burner? I have an old G5 tower that has been used for several thousand burns (and I've replaced the drive 2 or 3 times - I don't recall for sure). All the burners eventually go south after heavy use.

Personally, I don't like to use rewriteables, as I have not had good luck with reusing them. That makes it pointless for me to use rewriteables at all.
So - the question is: Do you really need to use rewriteables? (Have you used them successfully in the past?)
OR, is this a new task that you are just testing?

If another brand also does not burn properly - what is the error that you get (exact text)?
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To follow-up DeltaMac's Post #5, there is no recommended brand. Use the brand that works with the combination of your burner and your player. This is where DeltaMac's recommendation comes in. You expect the brand that worked before to work again. To be accurate, it is not the brand. It is the specific line within the brand. If you do not have experience with a line that works, then you must find one by trial and error. For the lack of a better strategy, try the premium lines first. If the premium media works, then try a less expensive line from the same brand. Use the least expensive line that works reliably. Until you find media that you can use, purchase your experimental blanks in small lots.
This is the first time I have tried this. I wanted to try it as I read that Memory Sticks can be lossy.

To follow-up DeltaMac's Post #5, there is no recommended brand. Use the brand that works with the combination of your burner and your player. This is where DeltaMac's recommendation comes in. You expect the brand that worked before to work again. To be accurate, it is not the brand. It is the specific line within the brand. If you do not have experience with a line that works, then you must find one by trial and error. For the lack of a better strategy, try the premium lines first. If the premium media works, then try a less expensive line from the same brand. Use the least expensive line that works reliably. Until you find media that you can use, purchase your experimental blanks in small lots.
This is the first time I have tried this. I wanted to try it as I read that Memory Sticks can be lossy.

I have MUCH greater trust in the reliability of USB memory sticks, than with rewriteable optical disks - which are inherently easy to damage. With USB flash drives - I am more concerned with physical loss, than data loss. I often find USB sticks under the sofa cushions in my house.