Hi there,
First of all I just want to say that its a great idea to have this "ask a question" section!
I have a 500Mhz G4 Cube with a DVD rom drive. After I installed 10.0.4 all of a sudden my drive stopped recognizing DVDs! I didn't do anything or install any weird programs. One day DVDs were recognized with the familiar DVD icon appearing on the desktop, the next nothing!! Everytime a DVD is inserted the drive takes about 15 seconds to spit it out. It doesnt spin the disc at all...just ejects it with no message appearing anywhere.
If I insert CD there is no problem at all! They work just fine...its only DVDs.
At that point I suspected it was probably due to 10.0.4 and was expecting that after I upgraded to 10.1 all would be OK. Obviously nothing is changed after the 10.1 upgrade...so here I am...begging for help!!
I was thinking of opening up the computer and disconnecting the drive, and then reconnecting it so to reset the firmware or something...but I though I better post a question here before I do something stupid. I have done a hardware and software check and everything is OK. The same thing happens in classic...
I appreciate any help!! No one has been able to provde me with an answer, as nothing seems to be broken!! I want my DVD drive back!!!!!!
I look forward to any replies
First of all I just want to say that its a great idea to have this "ask a question" section!
I have a 500Mhz G4 Cube with a DVD rom drive. After I installed 10.0.4 all of a sudden my drive stopped recognizing DVDs! I didn't do anything or install any weird programs. One day DVDs were recognized with the familiar DVD icon appearing on the desktop, the next nothing!! Everytime a DVD is inserted the drive takes about 15 seconds to spit it out. It doesnt spin the disc at all...just ejects it with no message appearing anywhere.
If I insert CD there is no problem at all! They work just fine...its only DVDs.
At that point I suspected it was probably due to 10.0.4 and was expecting that after I upgraded to 10.1 all would be OK. Obviously nothing is changed after the 10.1 upgrade...so here I am...begging for help!!
I was thinking of opening up the computer and disconnecting the drive, and then reconnecting it so to reset the firmware or something...but I though I better post a question here before I do something stupid. I have done a hardware and software check and everything is OK. The same thing happens in classic...
I appreciate any help!! No one has been able to provde me with an answer, as nothing seems to be broken!! I want my DVD drive back!!!!!!
I look forward to any replies