easycase c++ for mac?


hi hi, I serach a programm which is like easycase c++ for windows? I can't find something which is like this.

Sorry for my bad english. Its my second languae.

Has any body an idea ?
This is easy case. In easy case you can programmed structured

oh my english is bad *g*


it does not compile a programm it is only for sturctured program

i hope you can help me

bye bye knooby
You could try emacs with a modified ~/.emacs file.

The "dotfiles" are used to configure UNIX programs. At the site


There is a collection of dotfiles that have been built by other people. Perhaps there is a .emacs file which makes c++ look pretty.
That screenshot doesn't say what it is doing. The code in the screenshot isn't C++, and it is not obvious what the point of such 'pseudocode' is.