I am somewhat afraid of /why/ you are asking about this, but the simple answer is, if you want to keep your existing email unrecoverable, consider pounding your hard drive into a fine powder and slowly spreading its remains into the deepest ocean. Most email programs are not designed to be secure and so multiple copies of your inbox are probably saved in various states and conditions in multiple parts of your hard drive. I'm not sure about Mac, but the PGP desktop system allows you to wipe your hard drive, but I am not wholy confident that it is truly 'unrecoverable' to a determined authority. You should presume it isn't.
If you are worrying about email you have /already/ sent, you are SOL. Email is passed along the network in plain text and anyone who has physical access to the hardware that carries your message has the ability to read your email. As well, if you have sent your email over international or state boundaries, your messages are subject to their tapping laws. The simple fact is that email was never intended for communicating confidential matters so not a single line of code has been included to protect your privacy during its transmission.
Given one of your earlier posts about bulletin board postings, I think that encryption tools wouldn't help you, so I won't mention any. Free speech is one of the most important principles of any democratic political system, but in the US, anonymity is not a constitutional right and, as much as it pains me to say it, the First Amendment does nothing to save you from the legal ramifications of your own free speech.
Good luck with whatever it is you are doing.