Entourage problem on Exchange


I work within a Windows environment although we do have 1 Apple Mac

we are using Outlook 2003/Exchange as our email client on the PC's and Entourage 2004 on the mac

We Recently Replaced the Mac with a new G5 (very nice it is too)

The problem is Entourage is seeing all the emails but giving us no information what is in them - its just coming up NO SUBECT FOUND in the subject and from boxs and gives a date of 1904 for every email!

has anyone else had this proble? if so do you have a fix?
The Entourage gets it date from the Mac itself. What does the date on the Mac say? If the Mac's time if off open System Preferences->Date & Time and point it to a time server, to correct the time.

Also if you are managing a mix network then keep the mix network help site MacWindows handy. The web site has thousand of entries by network admins who have mix networks.
I haven't has any problems with dates or time. But does anyone know how to see the entire email directory in Entourage when you want to send an email? The problem is similiar to above... I too work in a PC envoirnment. Everyone using Outlook. I just want to be able to see all my email contacts within the company? I'm running OS X 10.2.8 on a G4 and Entourage 2004 ( I think)
the date on the PC is all correct! thats what i dont understand!

and it doesnt matter when i look at the emails they always say the same date on them - no matter of when theyre created!

the emails do send and recieve but there is no content in them!
Don't know if this will help but I had a lot of Entourage issues before I found this. If you access the web via a proxy server set the Mac to bypass it for the FQDN of your exchange server. Solved almost all of my connection issues.
Make sure that the date and time is the same as that of the server if there is more than 5minutes difference it can cause problems with authentication. I also concur with the previous post about proxy servers