Entourage sending "Hello" messages


Hi all,

I'm writing to see whether anyone else has come across this issue, and if so, whether anyone knows what's going on and how to stop it.....

Occasionally, when sending an email, the progess window says "sending message "Hello" "

Or something like that.

I've checked and I'm not sending an email titled "Hello" and there's nothing in the Sent Items.

Is this some sort of virus?

I've got Norton Internet Security bang up-to-date.


Confused of Nottingham
Part of the SMTP protocol involves sending a HELO message to the server to, well basically say hello. Could it be that your server is hanging or your Norton stuff is interfering with the traffic to port 25?
It could also be that you have Entourage set to automatically check for mail every so often, on a set interval. When that interval arrives, Entourage checks for new email on the servers, and, if one of those servers uses SMTP, then a HELLO message is sent.

i've noticed that Entourage displays different messages depending on the "speed" of the sending/receiving process. Sometimes, it'll go and grab mail and simply say, "Retrieving whatever..." and other times, I'll see messages such as "Contacting smtp.sbcglobal.yahoo.com" among other messages. All of the processes are performed, you just see various messages during that process.

If your mail isn't downloading correctly, or you're having problems sending mail, then you may want to say so -- otherwise, it's a safe message to ignore.