Error -41 when trying to connect to WinXP PC



Powerbook G4 with MacOSX Tiger
System Version: Mac OS X 10.4.5 (8H14)
Kernel Version: Darwin 8.5.0

Up until this morning all was fine. I was happily connecting to my windows XP machine using SMB. Now suddenly... all stop. Error code -41 is displayed.

The only thing that has changed is that there was a security update from Apple.

From Windows XP to the Mac works fine.

Any ideas.
Try temporarily turning off firewalls on both the PC and the Mac to see if a firewall is interfering with your connection.
Tried all that. Rebooted, switched off firewalls etc etc.

Even recreated the shares on the PC side. The problem seems to lie on the Mac side as I can connect to the PC shares with another Windows machine.

Really odd thing is that this has happened only yesterday - all has been fine for almost 1 year with no issues at all.

As I said in my main post, the only thing that has changed is the update from Apple.

Hey Bob..

another weird thing ...

this was noticed just after a mail from MACOSX.COM reminding me that I had not posted anything for some time and that I should post again ...

twilight zone stuff.

No, no..

It was working just fine until this morning. Yesterday the Apple Update downloaded a new security update and since then this has stopped working.

Not sure why. Seems to be something to do with the update.

"Do you even own a Macintosh? There is no "uninstall" of the update."

Not sure if I even want to comment on this question/statement as I have owned Mac's now for over 25 years - but hey I am user not a "expert". Not sure if I even mentioned the word 'uninstall' concerning the update. What I did say is that this issue has only had one major event before it and that was the update from Apple.


I have found out something..

Looking at the system logs this is what I find each time I try and do a connect using SMB.

mount_smbfs: tree connect phase failed: syserr = Cannot allocate memory

I have no idea why this is happening. Some help would really be appreciated.
