Error Installing Mac OS X 10.3.5


i have this machine,

300MHz, a new 80Gigabyte drive (was able to install Mac OS 9.2.1) 128MB Ram

I'm having problems installing Mac OS X 10.3.5

During a installation it stops with this message.

"There were errors installing the software"

I did all of the firmware upgrades beforehand.

The hard drive is brand new.
Have you tried reformatting the hard drive?

The Hrd drive needs to be formatted with HFS + also known as Mac OS Extended, to work properly with os X. Boot from your install and go into disk utilities. It's also not a bad idea to partition your hard drive and use one for OS 9 and the other for OSX. make sure the partition with OS9 has the OS9 drivers installed (look for this on the disk utilities).

MacMessiah said:
i have this machine,

300MHz, a new 80Gigabyte drive (was able to install Mac OS 9.2.1) 128MB Ram

I'm having problems installing Mac OS X 10.3.5

During a installation it stops with this message.

"There were errors installing the software"

I did all of the firmware upgrades beforehand.

The hard drive is brand new.
Most often the message 'there were errors installing the software', in my experience, is related to problems reading the installer disk. Try wiping the disk with a clean, soft cloth, and try again. I have seen success after trying a few times.
I have two installation CDs. straight out of their boxes.

FYI I just made a Mac OS 9.2.1 partition on the hard drive. Wondering if that can do anything to hindering it or help solve the issue.