Error: The underlying task reported failure on exit with Lacie External Hard Drive

Thanks. I think we're on the same page. You described exactly what I have done...I have yanked the firewire out or I've disconnected the flashdrive before it was actually "done" after I dragged the icon to the trash....Or, I've had issues with my G4 and had to power down as it would freeze in sleep mode...that sort of thing.

I have noticed that since getting the MacBookPro, if I do accidentally leave something plugged in, when the computer reboots, all is still okay...(the G4 stopped doing this a number of years ago). In fact, if anything was still connected the computer would usually hang on sleep....I'd come into the office and find the computer would be churning away and had never shut down....

I've also unchecked "put to sleep whenever possible" to see how that does for me.

In any event, I do believe, however, getting back to the Lacie, is that I am going to treat it with kid gloves until I get a chance to have it looked over...

Also, I'm in the process of pulling stuff off the old G4 and plan on reformatting and selling if possible. IT was a great machine, and I have two good hard drives in it, but either I need to get a monitor for it so I can use it as a hard drive in "T" mode, or I need to simply "move on."
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Just had another thought. Can I get an enclosure for the second hard drive that I had put into the G4 and use it as a stand alone external?
I bought an external (1 TB) Simpledrive (I think that's the name) on clearance at Best Buy, and it's flaky. It will disconnect improperly when I put my machine to sleep. Tech support told me to un-check "Power down hard drives when possible" in the Energy Saver Preferences. Unfortunately, that didn't work.

Yes, I should have taken it back, but I bought the thing to store my data when I sold my previous machine. I need the space since my new machine has a smaller hard drive. Testing the drive with DiskWarrior has never uncovered any errors, even with the improper unmounts.

But boy is it annoying!


P.S. Does anyone know of a high-quality yet inexpensive FireWire 800 enclosure?
Thanks, Satcomer. I have a MacBook Pro and a mini. The Mercury Elite Pro is the least expensive, I may go that route.
I have a Rocketfish brand enclosure. It was recommended to me over other models by the salesman. It was like 80 bucks. So far it works great.