Ev Nova Is Going To Be Released Today!!!

Hah, I already have it, and 4 hours of my life have already been long gone since last night, thanks to EV: Nova.

Goddamn does EV Nova rock. Awesome graphics (I especially like it how planets can be different sizes now... there are some DAAAAAMN huge planets in EV Nova), expansive universe, new capabilities, new ships, new weapons, new everything. Sheesh, EV Nova is going to seriously suck up my time. :( :p
You can get it on your iDisk, under Software/OS X/What's New, or something like that. There's also a link to it on http://osx.macnn.com . I've only just downloaded it off of my iDisk, so I haven't tried it yet. But man, do I want to...freakin' finals.
Goddamn I just spent another 4 hours playing EV Nova, from when I got up (which was around 10) to now (which is around 3). And _I_ have finals. God, I'm screwed. Seriously.

No editors yet. But EV Nova supports plugins out of the box, so if you know how to do it without any nice editors, you can still do that. :)
and it must be just me. I can't get my keyboard to work :-P the mouse works and I can select the planet it puts you by but I can't thrust or Land. Anyone know what could have caused this? Do I need a special driver or something? It's weird because I haven't done anything but mount it from the disk image and copy to my desktop. I haven't gone digging in any resource files yet so how could I have lost something that seems to work just fine for everyone else.

by the way, I got it from the iDisk if that has problems or something I don't know aobut.
I quickly "tested" EV Nova (two more finals, dang it), and everything worked fine. It was a copy off of my iDisk, although it possible that yours was somehow corrupted. To quickly check if it did, open up the Terminal, type openssl md5 and a space, and then drag the EV Nova.dmg file onto the terminal window, and type return. Your command should be something like
adcockb% openssl md5 /Volumes/Icarus/Downloads/EV\ Nova.dmg

and the returned response should be exactly

MD5(/Volumes/Icarus/Downloads/EV Nova.dmg)= 29fe1e8716dd3da5efe72478fa00ffcd
(well, the directory part can be different, but after the =, it should be exactly that.

If it's the same, your download was fine, and it's another problem. If it's different, you'll have to redownload it.
OK, so call me out of touch, but what the hell are you talking about? What kind of game is this? Strat, arcade, Sim, war, etc.? Can I get a brief description? Thanks.
I figured out my problem. I think it was just a problem with needing to log out and log back in because in one of my trials, the entire finder and every program I had running quit (this is bad but the end result was good) and when it came back EV worked. Of course in the old days you had to restart every time you installed something into extensions but I hadn't thought that copying an application from a disk image would require the same procedure. I am just guessing about all of this.

As far as game genre, Escape Velocity is a space RPG type game I guess but it is so much more than that. It's hours wasted and plot lines that conflicted in my head against real ones. I could easily go back to my parents basement where I played EV before and sit down at the old PPC 6100 and have hours more fun because it was well made but not necessarily CPU intensive. This one is even an improvement on that.
Originally posted by mindbend
OK, so call me out of touch, but what the hell are you talking about? What kind of game is this? Strat, arcade, Sim, war, etc.? Can I get a brief description? Thanks.


I love it!!! Try it!
Originally posted by mindbend
OK, so call me out of touch, but what the hell are you talking about? What kind of game is this? Strat, arcade, Sim, war, etc.? Can I get a brief description? Thanks.
It is the third installment of a series that started with THIS GAME (Escape Velocity, or EV for short). Notice the link- check it out, and if you ever boot in 9 or use Classic, download it and try it. You'll understand where EV Nova is coming from. The second installment of EV was EV Override (EVO). This was essentially the same game, but at a different time; a bigger map of solar systems; and supposedly better ship graphics. It also was pure PPC, which EV was not (I ran it on my Centris 610 while waiting for web pages to load on my Performa 631CD w/ 14.4 modem). I personally liked the revised original ship graphics. The first ship graphics in EV were ok, but looked a lot nicer in a later update, not that it matters since all the ships in the Star Wars ANA plugin were better! Anyway, some of the ship graphics in EVO looked both to me & my friends to be a bit perverted. Maybe that's just me and my friends, though ;)
Love this game, loved EV since I played it in middle school in the comp labs. I used Game Cheater on it to max out my money, and I held earth hostage. What I found odd though was after awhile a red tinted Leviathan came at me and its name was 'Zero Wing' I clicked on it and opened up communications link, and there he was, CATS right on the comm screen, with the traditional AYB sequence. If anyone else knows how to open up this easter egg again, please tell me. Also a screenshot of it would be so sweet, if any of you find it get a screenshot of it no one believes me =(
damn..... damn damn damn! i've been doing the polarian missions like crazy, i've come so far, i've wasted so much time....... and now i need to stop cuz the story won't go any farther until i register... but i did register i just didn't get the code yet..... grrr....... ok i'm done whining...... :p
LOL :p Poor you!;)
There is one thing I do not like. In the versions before I was always able to be a pirate. With any ship!

Now it is soooo hard to be a pirate because you cant win against 7 giant Space.....whatever! :( :( :(

Anyway!!!! GREAT GAME!!!:)
EV is fun times :)
I've got through almost all the Polaran missions. I'm stuck on the one where you have to capture the Vell-os dude from earth and bring him back. Oh well, I'll figure it out today. The Polaris upgrades are amazing also. Cloaking devices, multi-jump organs, other organs. It's very cool :)